Mafia boss {pt.3}

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⚠️TW RAPE ⚠️

They all went to there rooms. While Kobe went to find something to clean his wound. He finally found something then went in the room with you to cuddle and give you kisses. But only to find you fast asleep. He chuckled and laid down with you. He started cuddling and giving kisses to you and he soon went to sleep.

You then wake up and noticed that you were in a moving van tied up.

Y/n: (whispering) wtf

You cried to yourself and realized Kobe has been gone a lot.

Back at the house wit Kobe

Kobe's POV

I woke up and saw that Y/n was not next to me.

Me: Y/n are you in the bathroom, no ok well downstairs no

I then started to get worried and called the gang

Ongoing Phone call

Member: hello boss

                                    Kobe: hello, umm do you know                            Where Y/n is, or have you seen her

Member: no sir, I thought you don't let her out of the house

                                    Kobe: I don't that's why I asked

Member: oh ok well I haven't seen her

Kobe: ok

I then hung up because he was no help. I then decided to call Derek. The only person I trust

Kobe: hey can y'all help me find Y/n

                        Derek: yeah but what happened

Kobe: well you all know I'm in the mafia and lately I have been working with someone and I didn't pay them on time. They said they will get revenge

                       Derek: ight well do you know where
                       They might be

Kobe: yeah
                      Derek: ok well imma get Vallyk and
Kobe: ight well imma pick you up

                     Derek: Ight bye

I hung up and took a bath put my clothes on. Then I drove to pick Derek up.

Back to You

You cried to yourself and realized Kobe has been gone a lot with the mafia. The van then stoped and you heard footsteps. You closed you eyes a pretended that you were sleep the whole time.

???: hello Y/n I know that you are awake I have cameras in here

Y/n: well dam, wait who are you?

???: my name is Sora

Y/n: Sora sora sor- wait I know you your the guy from that restaurant

S: yeah I guess but I'm also in the mafia

Y/n: oh that makes sense

S: ok do you know why I took you

Y/n: is it because of Kobe

S: yes now come on time to fuck you Till you cum

You got scared and he picked you up took you to his room. He pulled your pants and panties Down and started to eat you out

Y/n: s-sora s-s-stop I-I ha-have a b-b-boyfriend

S: I don't care

He then slapped you across the face. You started to cry. He slammed inside of you and stretched you out. You cried even more. He started punching and slapping you. You kept crying he then came inside of you without warning

S: you are gonna stay here and if you try to leave I will punch the living shit out of you

Y/n: y-yes

S: and stop stuttering

He spat on you and left the room

Ik this is a lot and I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable.

Sorry for any spelling errors

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