Summer vacation {pt.2}

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Ik this took long but hope you enjoy

Y/n: yes I searched it up and it said "the temperatures normally lie around 20 degrees during summer"

(I actually researched it)

K: ok imma go home a and change, I'll be back in

Y/n: ight I'll pick you up when I'm done getting ready

K: ok

He then left so you cleaned your house a bit. After that you went and took your bath once you were done you went and picked up Cory first

C: heyy

Y/n: heyy girl you ready

C: yeah

She said looking sad

Y/n: what's wrong

C: nothing

Y/n: you sure because you sound sad

C: I'm not so can we jus go

Y/n: ight ig

You pulled out of her driveway and picked up Jaiden, Ballo, Aya, Jas, Luci, Jai, Kobe, sunny, and Sora. Once everyone was in the car you guys began the trip

S: Luci you looking a lil good ngl

L: you to papi

Mind y'all was in one of dem RVs so there was a bed rooms and kitchens

S: we might have to go in the bac-

Y/n: not in my van 🚐

S: why not

Y/n: y'all gon make noise

S: no my fault

Y/n: fine whatever go ahead but don't make a mess

S: we won't, mama come on

L: ok

The both got up and went in the back with the bed

S: you tryna fuck

L: i don't mind

He then pulled her pants down and started eating her out

L: fuck yes!!

Y/n: y'all shut the fuck up

L: s-sorry fuck ju-just like that

S: i know mama

C: dam imma need to find me a girl to do that

Y/n: lmao me too

K: I mean I could help

Y/n: Kobe I'm driving and Cory doesn't want to drive

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