Thanksgiving dinner

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You and your boyfriend Kobe were going to your family "thanksgiving dinner". Now this wasn't just any ordinary dinner, your boyfriend has been very horny, and so have you, but you both kept it from each other. It was making you angry, You hadn't had sex for all most two months.

As you were thinking about how you and Kobe hadn't had sex in a long time, you then remember that he invited you over for "thanksgiving dinner" *both of your parents died* you put a dark red skin tight dress with white air-force 1s. Once you finished you went to his house you knocked on the door.

K: who is it

Y/n: it's Y/n

He opened the door with a big smile on his face. You smile back.

Y/n: i brought a pie

K: ouu, but i bet you tase better

He whispering the last part

Y/n: Kobe not rn we're at a dinner with your family

K: fine, well this is my mom

??: hi honey you can call me Vanessa


Y/n: hi Vanessa im Y/n

V: ah yes I've heard so much about, Kobe always talks about how much he wants you to be his wif-

K: mom that's enough

V: what I'm just telling her what you told me

Kobe chuckled and introduced you to his sister.

K: this is my sister Kiya


Ki: hi and wow you gorgeous

Y/n: hi and thx, but that's all you

Ki: aww your so nice unlike Kobe

K: hey that's not fair I'm always nice

V: aye y'all be nice

K: fine, but Kiya started it

He said under his breath

V: what was that

K: nothing

You giggle at their fighting

K: whatchu laughing at

Y/n: nun

V: um so Kobe and Kiya, your grandma, grandfather, and all of your cousins, uncles, and aunties are not coming they are stuck in a storm at the airport

Ki: man

K: right

You felt bad because he wouldn't be able to see the rest of his family.

K: um hey Y/n can we go upstairs for a min

Y/n: yeah sure

You both go upstairs

Y/n: so

K: I-I love you

Y/n: aww I love you too bae

You said giving him a kiss in the lips

K: you do know that right?

He said breaking the kiss

Y/n: yes I do

V: y'all come downstairs

K: ok ma

Y'all go downstairs

V: the food is ready so, find a seat so we can start eating

Y'all went and sat down. As you were sitting with Kobe he began to get touchy, like really touchy. So you decided to say something

Y/n: (whispering)bae whatchu doin

K: (whispering) nun you just look so good, nd it's making me act up

Y/n: later ok because we're in the middle of dinner

K: pls

Y/n: no

K: fine

V: so, Y/n how have you been in school

Y/n: um I've been good

V: nice, and you Kobe

K: uh not so great

V: it's probably because of that damn phone

K: but it's not tho

V: mhm

After the dinner

V: bye y'all be safe ok

Y/n: ok

K: bye ma

You both get in the car a drive to your house. Once you make it their Kobe picked you up and took you to your room and threw you on the bed

K: tonight I'm going to murder your pussy

He then leaned in with a kiss. Soon the kiss traveled down you neck somehow to in between your thighs. He lifted up your dress and pulled your pants down, at this point he was breathing over your heat. The suspension was getting to you....and he could tell...

Y/n: I need you so bad

K: how bad

Y/n: real bad *dat one TikTok sound*

He then began to eat you out. All you could see was his bright pink tongue going in and out of you making your back arch. He moved his tongue back on your clit and added his fingers inside of you.

Y/n: i-im close

K: it's ok let it out mama

You instantly felt butterflies, as soon as he said that you came.

K: I love you

Y/n: i love you too

He kissed you and you both fell asleep

Happy thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving

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