𝐓𝐖𝐎: Messy situations

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Martial and Philip were sitting beside eachother, talking about some random stuff.

Del Pilar, who was looking at a few papers was a heck ton of tired, and so clueless in what to do. After all, his parents had died and they have this so called 'freedom' after the Spanish rule. Or so they thought.

For the first few years; America wasnt nice, but wasnt rough. Atleast he treated them better than the Spanish.

But all America wanted was oil, gold and a lot of stuff from the archipelago. After all, it was his now.

They no longer had to speak Spanish, but now English. What a pity, right? Having forced to speak one language and then another.

"Can you guys quiet down? I can barely hear myself." Del tells Martial and Philip. "Sorry, Kuya." Philip apologizes, looking at him. "Yeah, whatever. What are you doing?" Martial asks his older brother.
"Martial.. dont speak like that to me." Gregorio snaps, setting the pages aside. "Im just reading through a buch of papers," He began. "I think that uh.. United person will visit later on." Philip perks his head up.

"What do you mean? America? Why?" Philip questions, tapping his fingers on the wooden chair. Del shrugs. "Im not sure." he began, "for some reason, he sent this thing and he says he'll visit." Martial groans.

"Does he have to?" Del nods. "But we're independant now.. arent we?" Del froze. Before saying anything, he turned around and sighed.

"Philip, no, not yet. We arent independant. Its complicated." he frowns. Philip doesnt seem to get it but he nods. "Okay." He says.


A little bit later.

A person knocks on the door, America built a new house for them to stay in so thats where they currently resided in.

"Coming," Philip walks to the door, munching on a snack he found. He didnt even know it was America. "What do you wa-" he opens the door and sees him. "Oh!- my apologies, sir." He bows to him, eating his snack while doing so. America chuckles at this. "No need to bow. Who are you again?" he asks as Philip raises his head. America examines his features, and found it cute. He particulary looked at his mix matched eyes. "Im uh, Philippines. The youngest." He says nervously, noticing him gazing at his eyes. He jumped slightly. "Oh uh, weird eyes right?" he laughs nervously.

"No, no. Not at all. I just find it intresting is what." America grins at him, making a dash of bright red dance across Philip's cheeks.

Then, Del comes in. "Hello.. Come in." He signals for him to come in. Making Philip embarrassed that he didnt let him in. "I am Del Pilar, son of the Katipunan." He introduces himself. "Yeah, no, I've heard a lot about uh.. Katipunan.." America puts his hand on chin. They sat on the chairs, with Philip sitting beside Del Pilar. "Where is Martial?" Philip whispers. "He's taking his siesta, he's sleepy." Del whispers back.

"So.. why have you come?" Del asks, looking at America's face. "I just wanted to meet Kati's.. sons." He explains. Del nods. "Do you need anything? Water?" Philip asks. America looks at him.

"You're a cute one. No I dont, thank you for asking." he grins, Philip couldnt help but smile back. "But, since this is my new colony.. and I dont really know much about it, Id like someone to tour and tell me about this archipelago." America asks of them, making Del raise a brow, but before he could say anything, Philip gasped. "I will! This'll be great! Ma told me all about our history and everything!" Del frowned. "Are you sure?" Philip nodded, pleading. "Okay.. fine." he sighed.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now