𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘: Continuation.

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✦ ㅤ ㅤ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ㅤㅤ ✦

"Ah.. he's waking up." A familiar voice had spoken, staring at the tired, wounded man who was laying down on the bed.

He blinked thrice once he opened his eyes, due to the brightness of the bright, white light. It was blinding.

"Mh.." He groaned, flinching at the sudden sharp pain he felt on his arm. He looked beside him to see himself all bandaged up, with a few bandaids here and there. He had forgotten why, or how he ended up like this.

"Er.. dont move to much. You're gonna end up being in even more pain," the country spoken with a tone of concern audible in his voice. He looked down at the filipino in pity.

Philip looked at him. "Ame...?" He said out loud.

The country chuckled quite awkwardly as he wasnt America, "It's me, Indonesia, silly." He said. Philip's eyes widened as he looked at the archipelago in shock.

"INDONESIA!? Wh- how- how are you here?!" He exclaimed. Now he was fully awake with no thoughts on going back to sleep. Indonesia probably prefered it that way anyway.

"I flew all the way here." The country chuckled at the sudden change of mood. Philip looked at him, wanting to poke him but his arm said otherwise.

“Mr. Asean wouldve come but he was too busy, so he told the second best to come instead.” He smirked, looking proud and all.

Philip blinked. “Really? I'm glad you came instead. I'd rather see you here than anyone else.” He said casually, but it made Indonesia's cheeks turn a light, rose red.

“What happened anyway?”

He asked, whincing at the pain. He had forgotten all the of the events that had unfolded before he had woken up.

Indonesia felt a bit confused on the topic. “I wasnt really informed, so I was hoping you would tell me everything.” He shrugged. “But I spoke to America and he said, "Nothing happened, Philip just got a bit hurt".” He quoted.

Philip furrowed his eyebrows. “That's definitely not what happened.” He huffed, trying to recall everything.

“Ah! That's right! North and Chi—” He sat up as he remembered everything, but stopped, remembering Indonesia was in the room. He bit his lip as Indo looked at him with a raised brow.

“You were with North Korea and China..?” He trailed off.

Philip sighed, and wanted to tell Indonesia everything. He didnt know where they were, but he had hoped they were okay for once.

“Just what were you doing? You're really unpredictable.” Indonesia sighed, as a visible frown appeared on his face. Philip flinched and looked away.

“By chance, do you know where America is?” He had asked, ignoring what the Indonesian had said to him.

Indonesia nodded. “He's actually getting me a drink. He'll be back soon.” He shrugged, sitting back on the chair to rest his back.

“Oh. Alright.” Philip pursed his lips, not knowing what to say after. He carefully sat up on the bed, being mindful of his arm.

Indonesia scrolled through his phone, and things were quite awkward after that. Philip didnt know what to say either.

The door opened, and Philip had seen America once again. He looked pretty tired, but after the scene North created he'd expected it.

“Oh, Phil, you're awake.” America's eyes diverted to the filipino, as his eyes shined. Philip nodded. “Um.. Good morning..?” He didnt know what to say.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now