rewriting this book??

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Whenever I read back at this book I quickly click away because of the cringe and embarrassment I get.. (send help.)

But I havent announced it on this book because apparently I forgot, but ill be discontinuing it.

BUT- Im rewriting it to fit my new style and hopefully it wont be as cringe as before. (And it wont get messy because I actually dont know where this book is heading)

I will rewrite most of the storyline, and make it so that it makes sense. Most of the stuff here will also be in the revamp, like Eleutheria, Amephil (but theyve fallen out, tsk tsk tsk), and most of the storyline like Martial dying, Del going missing and pronounced dead, and just silly little chapters and hopefully a less depressed version of Phil because it seems kinda dead. (Im not gonna make him into a sunshine uwu, just saying. But obviously Russia's nickname for him will be Sunny/Sunshine cause he's cool like that)

anyway, enjoy ur life!!

Also its nearly june 12th, which means the Philippine independence day!! So Yay!!

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now