𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄: New friend, Old foe.

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✦ ㅤ ㅤ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ㅤㅤ ✦

"Ive heard from them," Russia informed the country as he drank the coffee from the white mug.

Philip wiped the corner of his mouth, looking at Russia with a curious expression. "Really? Did they call, send a secret message?" He had asked, placing the tissue back on the table.

Russia sighed. "Before I tell you this, you know how messy this situation is all because you wanted to see your brother?" He had asked harshly.

Philip felt like an arrow had been shot at his back. "Ouch. Please do tell me." He said without a care.

"Even if North Korea had bombed the coast of Hawaii without harming anyone in the islands, he still interfered with American waters." He placed the mug down, looking quite serious, sending chills down the Philippines' spine.

"He shouldve thought through." Philip rolled his eyes, "He couldve bombed atleast a mile away from American waters and still distract any official and America." He pointed out.

"It was his own doing." He pouted, crossing his arms as he returned a serious look.

"Yet he still so desperately wanted to save China. Im pretty sure NATO and the Country members are considering turning this into war against North." He rolled his eyes.

"Im trying to hold a peace conference with them." He sighed. "I always have to fix the messes North creates."

"Now its your turn to help. You have to come with me and persuade the country members to not declare war."

Philip turned pale and squealed. "Me? Persuade NATO?! Thats like an on-purpose death sentence!" He exclaimed.

Russia laughed. "You can easily persuade America, right? If you persuade him, his pets will follow." He explained.

"Then you could be of help and save both North and China. In return, Ill persuade them to keep helping you. And to protect you whenever needed. Just incase." He said.

"What about you? You're gonna ask for something." Philip raised a brow as he picked up his mug and drank whats left of his coffee.

"I already have." Russia answered.

Philip rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"But.. you're right. I really do need something in return." Russia yawned, looking serious.

"All I need is information on the United States of America, you can do that, can you not?" He asked, with a small smile. Philip frowned feeling uneasy. Russia seemed to be reminding him of China now, nd he couldnt unsee it.

Philip cleared his throat to gain his attention back. "I can do that.. as long as I find my brother in the end." He sighed, looking away as he felt a bit hot. A bead of sweat came down from the side of his cheek.

Russia nodded. "Then so be it. All Im asking for is your help, just this once. Ill tell you the details once the United Nations have accepted my request. I mean, obviously he will." Russia's smile faded.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now