Chapter Three

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We entered the living room and everyone was sat in a circle formation with chairs. I raised an eyebrow. How long were we upstairs?

"Lo que está pasando?" I asked Tanisha.

"We're playing 21 Dares," she explained.

"Ooh, I wanna play," I beamed, grabbing a chair and joining the circle. Marcus did the same and sat opposite me. Marik watched him closely.

"Did you mess up my sheets?" he asked.

Marcus screwed. "Shut the fuck up and play the game man." Everyone laughed, and I simply shook my head.

"Aight, since it's my yard I'ma start off," Marik announced. We all went round the circle counting up to twenty-one.




Tanisha kissed her teeth once she realised she had landed on the dreaded number. Marik rubbed his hands together at the revelation.

"Aight Tanisha, I dare you to stay in the upstairs cupboard wid me for five minutes." He grinned mischievously and I raised a brow. What's this prick playing at?

"Fine, but nothing’s gonna happen, you better recognise." She stood up and they both left the room. Michelle screwed immediately. Hah! Move on mate. He doesn't like you, clearly! They went upstairs and we all heard the door slam.

"Marik's probably gonna move her now," Lewis mused.

"No he ain't." Michelle kissed her teeth stubbornly, pouting her lip. I laughed to myself. After about five minutes of waiting they both came back. Marik was smiling, whereas Tanisha was pissed.

"Qué pasó?" I questioned.

"Te lo diré más adelante," she replied quietly. I nodded slowly and we started counting again. This time I landed on twenty-one. I glanced at Marik who now had a perverted glint in his eye. This sick bastard....


Sha'riah landed on twenty-one and this prick began thinking of a suitable dare—considering it was Marik, it wouldn’t be suitable. His mind was corrupted, and he thought of the worst shit imaginable.

"Sha'riah, I dare you to let Lewis touch your breasts."

What did I say?

Riah's face contorted into disgust. "What do I look like to you? I don't mind kissing, but no touching." She screwed and I laughed silently to myself. 

He shrugged. "Aight then, I dare you to lips..."

Me, me, me!

"Dylan, for two minutes tops; tongues and everything." She sighed and peered at Dylan, who had a smile tugging at his lips.

"Fine." They both stood up and moved closer to eachother. I looked away and lodged quickly before I could see lips touching and smacking. Seeing that will piss me off. Dare or not, that should be me. I went into the kitchen and made a glass of water. Man forgot to bring a zoot, and Marik ran out of his. I would have preferred to bun instead, but what could I do? I need to smoke summin’, and quick!

I sipped the water slowly, trying my hardest not to think about Dylan's crusty lips on hers, and their tongues connected; it sickened me. I needed to avoid going back in there at all costs. Riah was actually moving, not just anywhere, but Liverpool of all places. That’s five whole months without her close to me. Heh, listen to man going on like we're together. Shit, she needs to know how I feel. Man was hoping to make her the wifey still; she fits the role perfectly, and I know I'd treat her right; I just wanted her to be mine.

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