Chapter Ten

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We had just got back from Shawn’s funeral, and it was emotional.

Sha'riah and I decided to amend our broken friendship, which was good, cos I knew I could be positive again. It was going to be a challenge to ease these feelings for her, but nothing in life was simple anyway. I changed out of my badman suit and put it in the wash basket then jammed waiting for Riah to get changed also. I was watching runs house when she came downstairs in her casual clothes and sat beside me. She was so quiet and I hated whenever she was upset, but this time I can’t control it. I just have to wait till she feels ready to talk properly again. Suddenly I got a ridiculous brain-wave. Maybe I could take her out or something, just for an outing to cheer her up a little. I nodded to myself slowly and smirked.

That’s exactly what I’ll do.

Next day I woke up bright and early and headed straight downstairs to see mum in the kitchen doing breakfast. I was surprised she managed to stay sober for the past 48 hours; this wasn’t like her at all. She saw me stood there and smiled weakly.

“Heard Shawn’s funeral was very upsetting.” I scratched my head and approached the fridge.

“Yeah, very.” I agreed. She nodded slowly and I pulled out some milk then headed for the cupboard to draw out a bowl. I then grabbed the coco pops and added milk and began eating once I got my spoon.

"What time is it?" I asked. She peered to the clock.

"Coming up to 10:00 why?"

"I was thinking of taking Sha’riah somewhere for a couple hours."

“Yes, that seems like a good idea.” She said with a nod. We spoke for a few minutes about school, and Ryan, and Shawn, and then I went back upstairs and had a shower. Once I stepped out I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed back into my room where Riah was still sleeping soundly. I smiled and began to get changed.

A couple hours later I was sat there playing Xbox and listening to music. I had joined a live match with Marik and I was slaying this bitch. He was so shit at football it was unbelievable. Ryan was upstairs doing fuck knows what, mum had gone out for a few hours, and Sha’riah had gone to Kamillah’s yard since she recently came back from the school trip – which I never got to go to due to my ‘bad behaviour’

Fucking pussio teachers.

I already had my evening planned out. All I had to do was wait for Sha’riah to get her beautiful self back here so we could leave. She didn’t even know yet, was completely clueless. It was better that way.


I’ve been at Kamillah’s for roughly an hour now. She was the same of course, still quiet and had her head in the books. I was just happy to see her again after two whole weeks of her being away on the school trip. Since Shawn’s funeral yesterday I haven’t really had the energy to do many things, as I was still grieving, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see Kam again. No way.

She reached into her draw and pulled out the thickest book I had ever seen in my life. I glanced at the title and arched an eyebrow.

"Midnight?" I asked confused. What kinda title is that?

"It’s the next instalment after that other book 'the coldest winter ever'."

"Oh my days, there’s more?" I said bewildered.

"Yep, are you reading it?"

"Nearly done." She nodded and I folded my legs on her comfortable bed. "So how was the trip?" I asked.

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