Chapter TwentyFour

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I got to Biggz’s yard and rang the doorbell. Almost straight away the door opened and Kamillah answered with a wide smile. Once she saw it was me her face dropped and her eyes bulged.

"Marcus?" she asked in awe.

I raised a brow. "Kamillah...what you doing here?"

"Nevermind that. Why are you here?"

"Came to see my main man Biggz." I was about to step in but she blocked the way, peering back at the living-room door with a weird look on her face. The fuck is her problem?

"What is it?" I asked, looking at the door aswell.

"Nothing." After some hesitation she let man through. I entered and closed the door behind me. I headed towards the living-room but she quickly pulled me back by my hoody.

"Wait! Not in there," she hissed. I glanced at her.

"Why you actin’ so bookey? Where’s Biggz?" I questioned.

"Upstairs...he’s upstairs." I watched her closely. She seemed anxious.

"You alright?" She gave a nervous laugh and nodded quickly.

"Course." I grunted and began heading upstairs. I turned back to her but she had already dashed into the living-room, shutting the door behind her.

The fuck was that about?

Biggz was going through his drawers when I entered. I sat on his bed and exhaled deeply.

"Cool," I said. He noticed it was me, then turned back to his drawer.

"You alright, young buck?" I shrugged

"Yeah I’m bless still. You got the haze yeah?"

"Mm." Without looking at me he pointed to his window-sill where the crow and rizla was. I smiled and picked them up. This is what I’ve been waiting for. I can’t remember the last time I bunned; this was gonna feel amazing. I rolled the purple haze up in the rizla and licked the edge. Soon I was done and sparked it up. When I took my first pull I relaxed immediately.

Argh fuck! This was almost as good as sex. My lungs felt lighter as well as my head. I smiled to myself and took a couple more puffs. By now Biggza was sat on the chair, rolling up his own blunt: lemon haze. I looked around and noticed all his posters of Megan Good and other models had disappeared.

"What happened to your posters?" I asked. I used to stare at the half-naked girls on his walls all the time, but now it was bare.

"Took them down. Kamillah didn’t like them up." I raised a brow as soon as her name was mentioned.

"Are you doin’ a ting wid her or somethin’?" He smiled and gave me a knowing look. I shivered. Swear down this guy would soon be 30 and Kamillah turned 15 not too long ago. That was kinda dodgy still.

"You know how old she is init?" I questioned, looking at him like he was insane. His eyes narrowed.

"I don’t give a fuck." He glared at me and I shrugged. I tried. Man must really care about her. No wonder she was here—she could’ve atleast told man. I went to the window and bunned some more. It felt good to jam without any worries. Fuck school, I didn’t need it; I had all the knowledge already. I clocked my shubs was in a couple days and turned to face Biggz.

"You know my ting is this Saturday init?" He sparked up the blunt and looked at me.

"Kamillah told me." I nodded and exhaled again. "Who’s gonna be there?"

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