Chapter TwentySeven

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I kicked. I screamed. I shed tears. I fought with all my might to try and stop the inevitable, but it just wasn’t enough. I had lost track of the time, but when I finally opened my eyes, it was light outside. The afternoon sunlight shone through the window, illuminating the dark building and bringing life to the empty room. I lay there on the filthy mattress; beaten, weary, and worn out. I didn’t get any sleep, and Shankz tormented me for many hours without remorse. I peered up at the ceiling as he climbed off the bed to head to the window instead. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but I just wanted to be dealt with at this point.

“I don’t care anymore,” I rasped quietly. “Just kill me.”

I heard him chuckle and he appeared at the side of the bed again. I cringed as he held my chin between his fingers to look me in the eye. “What would be the point of that b?”

I dragged my face away from his grasp and turned my naked body on its side to face away from him. “Marcus won’t come. He doesn’t care either,” I told him.

“He will fucking care when he realises wagwaan,” I heard his deep voice utter. The amusement of his tone sickened me. I wasn’t expecting to go through all of this turmoil, but it honestly seemed like I was here to stay. I had been whisked away in the car at around 11:30pm, arrived at this disgusting warehouse around 1:00am, and I was still here in the evening the next day. I was certain Marcus probably gave up trying by now...I would’ve.

“I want my dress back,” I whispered with a shiver.

“Aww babes. You cold?” I curled into a ball and hugged my legs to conceal whatever scrap of decency I had left. I had no clue where my dress was, or my underwear, but I was not going to give him the satisfaction by subjecting to pleading.

“Whatever,” I grumbled. He chuckled in response and I heard him light up yet another cigarette. He climbed back on the bed and sat beside me, resting against the headboard and exhaling with a sigh.

“What you doing wit that pussio anyway?” he asked, now running his hand along my back. I shivered at his cold touch and closed my eyes to try and block out everything.

“I’m not with him,” I muttered.

“You were at one point. Why settle for that prick when you can have an older man?”

“I don’t want an older man.”

His deep laugh resonated through the room, bouncing off the walls and creating an echo. “Now you’re chatting shit b. Older men know what you want. Marcus is just a yout.”

“Leave me alone.” Suddenly he leaned over me and I felt his lips by my ear. He released the smoke; blowing it over my face and making me cough.

“That wasteman wouldn’t even know how to handle a body like yours,” he whispered. His nasty breath fanned my face. I tried to move over on the bed but he pulled me back and held my wrists. I glared up at him and he rested between my legs, the cigarette now pendulous from his lips. He shifted his face closer to mine, a wry smile curved on his lips. “How many man you fucked?”

I looked to the side to avert his gaze, but he held my head back in place. “Piss off,” I seethed.

He chuckled once more. “Getting rude again yeah?” He edged even closer, and the smoke from the cigarette was beginning to harm my olfactory senses. I coughed again and he smiled. “Should I burn you, Sha’riah? Give you a mark so you know not to mess wid man?”

“Go fuck yourself.” His brows furrowed and he settled the cigarette loosely between his lips. Then he brought his face even closer to the point where I could literally feel the heat of it. “No!” I yelled. His body pressed me further into the mattress. The cigarette butt was just shy of my cheek when someone knocked on the door.

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