Chapter Fifteen

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I went upstairs to my room and collapsed on the bed. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling in dismay. Man was bored, there was nothing to do. I had just got back in from linking Kiera; went out to eat and everything. We had a nice time, and I paid for everything like a proper gentleman. I’ve realised that it was getting kinda serious. I feel something for her but not as much as I did—and still do—for Sha'riah.

Hmm Sha'riah...

It’s been ages man since I’ve even heard from her though. I knew it was her birthday tomorrow. It would be her first birthday without me there. Things have changed; I wondered how she was doing. I ain’t even tried belling her phone since. Would it still work? I dug into my pockets and retrieved my phone then dialled her number. It started ringing; I cleared my throat, preparing myself to have my first convo with her since she’s moved. What would i say to her? I swear it’s been like a month and a bit. The longest we've never spoken to eachother. What was I meant to say? Just then someone answered, and began breathing down the phone. I raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah,” a deep voice replied. My eyes widened.

“Who’s this?”

“Nobody you know.” I kissed my teeth.

“Where’s Sha’riah?”

“It doesn’t concern you.” I frowned. Whoever this prick was, he was beginning to piss me off.

“Don’t chat bad through the phone, from when you don’t even know me. Where is she?”

“Around. Fuck off anyway, why you bellin’ my wifey’s line? She’s busy.” I shook my head. I haven’t got time for this wasteman.

“Look yeah, just tell her an old friend called.” He then locked off. I kissed my teeth and threw my phone down. I hate boys that just go on dumb, if we were ever in person I’d fuck him up. I went into my draws and got a zoot out. I aint bunned in a long time, trust me it’s been awhile. However, now I’m bored and slightly pissed off. This was my only option. As soon as I inhaled I felt calmer instantly. I smiled to myself and continued bunnin’. Oh shit! I've been missing out fam. I forgot how soothing this was, and stress relieving. Every time I was with them lot and they bunned, they would always offer my some, and I’d turn it down. But fuck it; time to go back to my old ways, since Riah's gone back to hers. I then went into deep thought mode and tried to imagine what this new prick looked like. Probably like Dylan or suttin. I kissed my teeth at the very thought of her with yet another breh. She's moved on from me to Dylan to him. My girl works very quick. Suddenly, Ryan burst in my room. I looked at him and screwed.

“You better have a good reason for entering my room like that fam.” He breathed heavily, as if he had just run a mile, and caught his breath.

“Some boys…they’re looking for y-you…” He panted and I sat up, “a bag of man...are outside…there’s bare!" I arched a brow.

"What boys?" He peered out the window.

“I was in my room and I heard them say your name, they’re searching everywhere for you,” he pointed out the window, “there they are, all of them.” I stood up off the bed and flicked my zoot outside the window before searching. Ryan was right, a whole group of mandem was patrolling, a good 15 of them. All more blacked out than the last. I’d never been so confused before in my life. Like, what the fuck is this? I didn’t recognise any of them, except for one, Shankz, Katrina's older brother. My eyes widened; what the fuck was he doing here? I closed the window and went to my wardrobe. Slipping on my hoody I turned to Ryan.

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