Chapter TwentyThree

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It’s been a few days and my mood wasn’t changing. If anything it was getting worse. I couldn’t help my behaviour, but everything was just shit lately. Since I didn’t have a school to attend, all I did was sit around in the spare room and watch TV. I’m sure my eyes were damaged since my glasses were left back in Liverpool. I couldn’t give 2 shits anyway. I left the phone by the crook of my neck as I continued to speak to Tempah. Yeah, that annoying 21 year old from before. I finally have something to call him. Only thing is he refused to tell me what his real name was. He claims he will never tell me. We weren’t that close, but he was more than an acquaintance now. He was just a nice person to talk to I guess, since I had no-one else besides Kamillah.

I ate another spoonful of chocolate ice-cream and sighed. I’ve told Tempah about the situation with Marcus and how distant we’ve become. He was understanding and seemed to give good advice, which I was grateful for.

"Have you seen him around lately?" He questioned.

"I haven’t left the house since," I muttered, licking the spoon before digging for more in the tub.

"Either way you shouldn’t pry. It’s gonna take time, you know that." I exhaled and nodded as if he could see me.

"Yeah yeah."

"Are you still devouring the ice-cream?"


"You’re not gonna find happiness at the bottom of that tub you know." I chuckled lightly.

"I could try. It’s my second tub." He whistled in awe.

"Shiiiiit. I didn’t know depressed girls actually did that. It’s like in the movies." I smiled weakly at that.

"It’s kinda stereotypical but I eat ice-cream when I’m upset."

"Clearly." I laughed and paused. The atmosphere changed over the phone and static was heard.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Heading underground."

"Where are you going?"

"Gonna go see some girl." I rolled my eyes.

"Why?" He laughed.

"You know why." I kissed my teeth.

"This is why I hate men."

"We have needs. If a girl is willing to give it up then who am I to decline?"

"You’re a prick." He laughed even harder. "When are you gonna tell me your real name?" I asked in mild curiosity.

"There’s no need to." I groaned.

"You’re so fucking difficult."

"A tag is a tag init. What you wanna know my name for?"

"You’re practically a grown man, you shouldn’t be rolling with a tag."

"I prefer it. If you wanna know my name then guess." My jaw dropped.

"You expect me to guess your name?"

"Since you wanna know so badly, guess."

"Larry?" He kissed his teeth.

"Don’t take the piss." I laughed.

"Hector?" He kissed his teeth long and loud. "Reece?"

"Allow that name."

"So what the fuck? Out of a thousand names you expect me to guess it right."

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