Chapter Twelve

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The room filled with immense silence. Not one of us said a word for a long while. By now he was sat at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, asking the same question over and over again.

"Marcus?" I didn’t reply, instead I just sat there contemplating to myself silently. I already tried to assure him that it was a complete mistake and that I had no feelings for Marcus whatsoever, but I wasn’t even able to convince myself. He suddenly stood up and began pacing around the room. His temple throbbed and his jaw clenched; I have a feeling I was about to see a completely different side to Dylan, one that no-one knew of.

"Why Sha’riah? Why the fuck…" He released a deep breath and turned to me, breathing heavily with his chest rising and falling. I wasn’t sure how to react so I continued to sit there. I had never been pleasured in such a way before, it wasn’t an excuse, but frankly I didn’t understand why I envisioned Marcus there instead; it was all a complete accident.

"I didn’t mean to,” was all I could say. “I said the first thing that came to my head." He trailed closer, still breathing deeply and screwing me with narrowed eyes. I backed up into the wall and he was right in my face

"Why was his name in your head?" I swallowed hard.

"I don’t—" Suddenly his fingers clutched around my neck and he squeezed it firmly. I immediately began to panic. "D-Dylan..." I stuttered uncontrollably, I was finding it hard to speak let alone breathe. I had a shortage of breath, he peered into my eyes fiercely, still with a firm grip on my neck.

"We’ve only been together two weeks. TWO WEEKS and you manage to piss me off. Am I a prick Sha’riah?" He grasped my neck even tighter.

“G-Get the fuck off me,” I coughed. He snarled.

"You were never serious about the idea of us, were you? All this time you fucking adored Marcus." I completely ignored him, trying my best to regulate my breath.

"Let g-go, I can't brea..." I could no longer speak. He looked in my eyes and after a moments silence released me. I panted and quickly got my breath back whilst holding my neck as he sat back down on his bed in the same old position, as if nothing had happened. I had no thoughts or feelings—apart from my throbbing neck and strained breath. I hastily picked up my things.

"You’re a fucking psycho," I muttered angrily. He didn’t react, just continued to sit there calmly. I could hear his breathing from where I was stood. Funny thing is I thought Marcus was the one with anger management issues. I headed for the door and grabbed the handle open before running down the stairs.

"YEAH, GO RUN BACK TO YOUR PUSSY’OLE BOYFRIEND," he yelled after me, referring to Marcus. Once I left the house I walked down the road with shock struck on my face. I was literally mortified. It was obviously a mistake; any INTELLIGENT person would be able to tell that it wasn’t intentional. I would never do something like that on purpose. I actually liked Dylan, does he really believe I’d mention Marcus’ name on purpose and jeopardise what could have been? I decided to catch the bus to the next bus stop, still thinking quietly to myself. Once I walked to the end of the road I walked through the gate and peered up at the building I thought I would never be at again...

My home.


"Shit!" I sprung up and hastily got my garms back on. What the actual fuck did man do? This was more than fucked, this couldn’t be happening. Katrina sat up and rubbed her eyes, oblivious to the fact that she was naked. Arhh shit!

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