Chapter ThirtyTwo

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I led Kamillah to the local doctors surgery and went straight to the receptionist desk. The atmosphere was quiet and the waiting area was surprisingly empty. I stood patiently in line behind two other middle-aged women while Kam looked around.

"Why are we here?"

"I'll explain later," I muttered as I looked at the clock. It was only after 4, and my appointment was for 4:15, so I still had time.

"I hate places like this," Kam mentioned in a low voice.

I glanced at her. Considering what I found underneath Kamillah's pillow yesterday, I reckon she'd have to make another trip here sooner or later. I still couldn't believe she had taken a pregnancy test, and I also couldn't believe she hasn't thought to tell me just yet, but as Marcus said, she was probably struggling to come to terms with it herself. Besides, she may not even be pregnant.

But still...she would usually tell me something like that.

We tell each other everything.

I approached the desk once the other women went to sit down and gave a weak smile to the receptionist.

"Hi there. How can I help?" she asked with an amiable smile.

"Hi. Erm, Sha'riah Brooks for 4:15?"

She clicked around on her computer before nodding. "Have a seat."

"Thank you." I took a seat with Kamillah following close behind.

"So is it just a check up?" she questioned, taking a seat beside me.

I hesitated. "More or less."

She raised a brow. "What's that supposed to mean?" When I didn't answer she sighed and leaned back in the chair. "Why are you acting so suspicious?"

"Coz it's embarrassing," I admitted.

"So embarrassing that you can't tell me?" she questioned.

I spotted a magazine on the next chair. Quickly picking it up, I began to scan through it, hoping that Kamillah wouldn't start interrogating me now of all times.

"Don't ignore me," she said with a scowl.

"I don't wanna talk about it here."

She scratched her head. "I'm worried now."

"Don't be." I forced a smile and went back to the magazine, trying to take my mind off how scared I actually was. The last thing I wanted was for Kamillah to be concerned.

Suddenly she yawned and grumbled. "I'm so hungry! We need to hit Morley's after."

An elderly white woman turned from her seat to glare at Kamillah, who screwed in return.

I noticed the stare-war between them and nudged Kam. "Stop staring."

"Why's she eyeing me for? Acting like I'm disturbing her."

"Maybe you are."

"Nah, she should know at her age that it's rude to stare," she said loudly. The woman muttered under her breath before turning away. "What? Say that again so I can hear you."

The woman didn't retaliate, which made Kamillah even louder.

"Does she think I won't go over there?"

I tutted. "I'm not gonna let you fight an old woman, Kam."

"I just wanna talk to her."

"Nah, you've been in enough trouble today, and I won't be able to bail you out of jail. I ain't got the money for that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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