Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up to a bright and sunny day. The light shone through the gaps of the blinds, creating a distinctive pattern on the carpet. I yawned and stretched whilst scratching my hair. I then checked the time…10:47am. This was early for me; usually it would be 12pm on the dot. I smiled to myself, I was slowly improving. I got up and left the spare room, entering Kamillah's instead. She was lying on her bed fully dressed and reading a book.

"Morning," I grumbled still scratching my headpiece. She didn’t even look at me, just greeted me a nod, as she was still into her book. I walked further in and sat on the edge of her bed. "You’re on Breaking Dawn already?" I questioned, analysing the book cover. It was amazing how quickly she can get through a book. She had only read Twilight a week ago; already she was on the 4th one.

"This book is the best by far," she replied. That’s the thing about Kamillah; although her personality had changed, her passion to read hasn’t. My girl will never stop reading.

"Well, I’ma have a shower." I announced before leaving her to read in peace. As I stepped into the warm shower and scrubbed my body, I began to think or Marcus. I still can’t believe we’re together, it's like it hasn’t sunk in yet. It’s been two whole days and I’ve rarely seen or spoken to him, but I knew he had made a full recovery.

Marcus and Sha'riah...Sha'riah and Marcus. Has a ring to it doesn’t it?

I finished in the shower soon after and went back into the spare room to get changed. Today I would see Marcus and spend a little time with him, it was overdue. I saw Kamillah stood by the doorway, now wearing her Airforces. I raised an eyebrow.

"Where you off to?" I asked nosily.

"If you must know, I’m going to see Tyrone. He's got a free yard today." I nodded.

"Don't do anything dodgy, I'll be watching you." She laughed, unaware that I was being truly serious.

"I mean it Kam. Just be careful, Tyrone is one of them boys that-" I cut myself off. She watched me curiously, but I weren’t about to hurt her feelings. She really likes this prick. Although,  what I was about to say would have been completely true. She shook her head.

"Well, I like him and he likes me back, so there’s no problem." I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, alright..." Tyrone wants her for beats, that's the problem! "Anyway I’m seeing Marcus today." She smiled at the mention of his name.

“Tell him I said cool init.”

“Alright gangbanger.” She chuckled and we both left the house. We walked down the road and approached the bus stop as we were getting the same bus. It came shortly after and we boarded. We sat on the top deck and I peered out the window.

"So when you planning on going home?" Kamillah asked out of the blue. I turned to her.

“Is this your way of telling me to leave your yard?” She laughed.

“Don’t be stupid, you know you can stay as long as you want. I’m just thinking of your family.” I nodded and shrugged.

"I ain’t going back.” I answered as I thought of Nathaniel. Filthy prick.

"Don't you wanna see your dad?" I tutted.

“Please. He’s one of the reasons I left.” She sighed.

"I hope you’re making the right decision una.”

“I always do. Aye I might go see my mum later you know," Kam suddenly stared at me in horror. "What?"

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