Chapter TwentyFive Part 1

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Today’s the day fam!

Fifteen and sexier than ever!

As soon as my eyes opened I hopped out of bed and went in the shower. After that brief drama between me and that prick on the phone, I decided it would be best to just be calm for now and do my own ting. Today is about me. No-one else, just me. I soon stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before heading back to my room. When I entered I saw Trey sat on my bed looking at his phone.

I raised a brow. "Fam, when did you get here?"

He glanced up and gave a wide grin. "Don’t watch that fam." I continued to stare at him. Since he left the yard after that phonecall I didn’t hear from him since. Now this prick was casually sat on my bed like he lived here.

"Anyway get out. Man needs to get changed."

He suddenly shot up with his arms stretched. "WOI! Happy birthday fam! Big man now yeah? Gimme a hug bruv." He advanced towards me and pulled me into a bear hug. He squeezed me and began singing in my ear.

I pushed him away and screwed. “Don’t be a battyman.”

He laughed. “Finally fifteen. Still a younger though.”

“Being a younger hasn’t stopped me from doing what I wanted before.”

“Amen to that.” He went to hug me again.

“Back the fuck up, Trey. I’m not playin’ with you.”

“Alright alright. Just tryna spread the love init.” Then he went back to his phone. I went to my draw and began taking out my clothes. When I turned back to this wasteman his eyes were still glued to the phone.

“What you looking at?” I asked, interested.

"My boy just text me. I got my ones watching that prick. They’re keeping a close eye on him.”

"Who, Dylan?"

"Yeah. My bredrin’s been trackin’ him since yesterday. Nothin’ suspicious yet.” I nodded and reached for the cream. That explained why Trey suddenly dashed out the house after he heard about the random phonecall. “I’ll let you know if anythin’ happens.”

“Safe fam.”

"It’s nothin’. Anything to help init. Any man try start on you, I’m there." He spudded me and I nodded in agreement.

“Trus’. Could be anyone. Need to watch out for them lot.” Especially Dylan, the fucking snake. He turned to leave the room but paused in his tracks. When he turned to face me, he had a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah. Who’s that girl you got pregnant again?"

I screwed immediately. "I didn’t get any girl pregnant fam."

"Don’t act dumb. You know the one I’m talking about man. She was here last time crying in the corner."

I kissed my teeth and turned away.

"Katrina init?" Then he chuckled. “My boys saw her yesterday aswell. She was shopping in Mothercare with her bredrins.”

I felt my hands clench into fists at the revelation. "What makes you think I care?"

"You should. That’s your baby mama fam."

He managed to dodge the Cocoa Butter tub that I dashed in his direction, still with a smirk on his face. “Don’t chat shit to me, Trey.”

He chuckled. “From when she said you’re the dad, what’s man supposed to think?”

“She’s fucked nuff man in the area. Any one of them could be the dad. She try pin the babies on me."

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