Chapter 7

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He was in front of me, he was sleeping shirtless with his belt on his hand. What a pig.

If I get caught, it's over. I started walking cautiously and heard him muttering. I stopped myself and waited. The atmosphere in the house was weird and scary, but warm at the same time, and it was just right to feel comfortable when you're in this kind of house, but it was all an illusion. The grabber is good at manipulating, even with the smell of his home.

I wonder how he got the others, especially Vance, he was a tough teenager, he knew how to fight. Did the grabber trick him like he did with me? Did he trick the others? Will I end up like them ? Am I brave enough to do this? I mean, the odds are against me, why would I survive if the others didn't? I'm not strong, I'm not brave, I'm not clever. I'm just a hopeless little child in need of help.

What's the matter? Why should I try? What's the purpose here? Do I really want to survive and live this nightmarish life?

Robin is my purpose.

Robin kept me alive.

I had to live.

I had to live for him.

I need too.

When I reached the padlock, I tried the combinations. It felt like an eternity. I'm scared to turn my head to see if he's still sleeping. Maybe if I don't, he won't wake up. He'll stay asleep forever.

Or I can kill him now with a damn knife. He's sleeping, so now is the perfect time. All I had to do was go behind him and stick the knife in his head like in a horror movie. But I am a coward.

And It was too late, I found the right combination. I unlock the door and open it.


He was behind me. He woke up, he waited patiently behind me. He's going to take me again. 


I run as fast as I can. I screamed for help, I was so loud that my throat started to hurt. I know he's going to catch me, it's just a matter of time. I just need a little more time.

But I failed, again.

He jumped at me, he pinned me to the ground, his hand on my mouth.

" You say one fucking word... and I will gut you like a pig right here in the street. And strangle you with your own intestines."

I felt his breath and his body touching my skin, he was very close to me. His body began to tremble. Is he afraid? No, not that kind of person. He's not afraid of anything. He's a vicious bastard.

He liked what was going on, he liked this; the intimacy between us, he liked having the upper hand. He knew I was defenseless, and he could do whatever he wanted with me. He knew he could use my body if he wanted too.

Nobody left their house, the street was quiet again.

I tried, I'm sorry.

"Nighty night, naughty boy."

Then, it was dark again.


I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night, all sweating. I dreamed about how Finney and I would watch Chainsaw massacre and how he would be so terrified that I had to protect him.

That's it. I can't wait any longer. I'm sorry Gwen, but I have to do this, I need to save Finney NOW!

I took a pen and a paper and wrote something to my mom, in case I'm not returning home.

"cuídate, te amo mamá."

I'm on my bike now, I put my whole body into it, everything I had, everything he had. I've got to give it all.

Deep down, I knew I was prepared for this day. I can make a difference, I can be there for him, I can be his savior. I'm prepared to die for him.

The rain is falling heavily, making the road more difficult to ride on, but I just think about the life we'll have together, and it gave me the strength I needed.

After riding my bike for thirty minutes, I hid it in a bush and waited for something to happen.

FUCK. I don't remember which one is the right house. I began to look around me, trying to see where I was.

Not only that, but I hope I'm not lost. Please let it be it...

But then, I heard a scream. It was so loud, but I don't know where it came from. I stopped moving, I even stopped myself to breathe, trying to detect a single sound that could help me.

Everything is playing inside my head, I've got a thousand thoughts at once. But only one is clear.

It all stopped when I heard someone walking. I tried to look at them in the darkness. It's a man, he's carrying someone.

No- Could...Could it be possibly Finney? How in god's name I managed to be here, right now, at this moment exactly? It's a sign. It's a sign i received to save him, if I don't go now, it will be the second-biggest mistake of my life.

The first one was to let Finney go last week.

I didn't even hesitate, I ran as fast I as could and pushed the man on the ground before he could get into the house.

It was him. The grabber.

"R-Robin..?" Said Finney, he was on the ground too, helpless and hurt.

"D-Don't worry Finney, I'm here, you're going to be oka-"

I didn't have time to finished my sentence that the grabber took a rock and hit me on the head with it. I fell on the ground too, right next to Finney. We looked at each other in the eyes before everything went dark. 

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