Chapter 6

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It's been one week. One week I haven't seen Finney. I missed him so much. I just want to hold him and tell him everything is okay.

But thanks to Gwen, we already have clues that can help us find Finney.

She dreamed of all the other dead boys: Billy, Griffin, Vance, and Bruce. She also dreams of a place where Finney might be kidnapped but it's all very blur, it might not be it.

"Do you want tea or coffee?" Asked Gwen

"Um, do you have chocolate milk?"

"Yeah, I don't like coffee either"

She smiled slightly. I wish I could have a sister like her. Being the only child of a single mother in a new country is a bit tough.

Since I came here, I have been bullied because of my background. In order to survive in this selfish world, I had to defend myself and now look at me, everyone is scared of me.

"So, you and my brother are close right?" asked Gwen

"Um, Yeah. Why ?"

"Just like that, don't worry Robin"

"Are you sure Gwenny?"

"I'm just glad he could talked to someone other than me, you know."

"He still can."

I won't give up, not now, not with what happened last week. I can't just move on like that. He has to know too!

She looked at my hands which still had the bandage that Finney made.

"Finney did that to you?" Asked Gwen

"he did, he always patched me up"

"I don't know how he can do that. I still don't know how to make a knot ! "

"Don't worry, when all of this will be over, he will teach you, I and I will teach you how to fight"

"I know how to fight !"

"I'm sure you do ! but I can teach you how to have a good posture, how to dodge"

"I guess you can and +, you never lost a fight so why not"

"We will be a good trio of fighters"

At first she didn't answered, she was looking at the cup. She told me how Finney felt with me and how I saved his life. He didn't tell her much about his feelings, but deep down she knew it was the truth. He was lonely. She felt sorry for him, but when we became friends and everything had changed.

It's unfair. Everything is unfair, he could be the one telling me all of this right now but no. And all of this because of that hijo de puta.

All of the sudden, we when stop talking, she stoop up fast, like she witnessed a cold-blooded murder.

"You have to come with me" Said Gwen while grabbing her jacket and shoes.

We rode her bike, looking for a house that can be the one that she dreamed off.

After a few minutes or so, she stopped the bike and we fell on the ground. She was petrified, like she was seeing ghosts. She didn't moved during a few seconds. Then, she came to reality and looked closely at the house and the number wrote next to it. It matched to the one of her dreams.

"That's it? That's the house?" I asked with eager.

"I-I don't know, maybe.. If my dreams are true, it can be."

"I'm going in I don't care"

"Robin no! It can be dangerous, we have to make a plan first!"


I screamed at her. My heart is pounding so hard, I never felt this way before. As the rain was pouring down, we looked at each other in silence.

"Look, it's been one week since he the grabber took him, I can't wait any longer, it has to be now! I'm not scared of him!" I said

I feel myself crying because something salty came into my mouth.

"Robin, I want to save him as much as you do, but we need to think before we acted. The grabber is smart, but we have to be smarter in order to outrun him"

I am distraught. But she's right, we have to make a plan.

Finney, if you hear me, if you're still alive, hold on. We're coming for you.


They are trying to help me, but nothing has worked. The hole I tried to dig didn't work, neither did the loose cable, and now I can't reach the windows, I've broken the railing. I tried to broke the wall in order to get into the storage room but the freezer was locked. It's hopeless.

If he wanted to kill me, he would. Why is it taking so long ? Just get it over with !


Then I heard the sound, not from the grabber, no, it was here. Something is in here with me, looking at me. I feel it, but it's so dark I can't even see it.

I turned on the little rocket's flash and examined the room little by little until I found the scariest thing I've ever seen.

It's a boy, he's levitating, he shows me the black phone.

I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was going to explode. Why is it happening to me ? Why am I seeing things that are not here? perhaps it's just my mind playing rotten trick.

This is the beginning of the end, I know it. I want to scream but not because I want to be heard, but to release everything I've been hiding in my heart.

My mother, my father, me, my doubts, my fears, my insecurities, my weakness, my fear of being judged, my fear that people might not like me.

My fear that Robin might not like me.

Then the phone rang again. 

Now I know what the next part is. It's naughty boy.

Griffin on the phone explained everything. After listening to him, my heart started to tighten. It made me want to vomit. The grabber is a sick, deranged person. He's not here to save me, he's not going to release me. He even lied when he said he wanted to let me go. He just wanted me all for himself, he wanted to play with me, he wanted to play with me like he did with all the other victims. That goddamn son of a bitch.

Griffin seems so young, what the grabber did to him was unbelievable. He doesn't have to explain, I already know deep down what he has done to him and what he will do to me if I play his game.

But it's my only chance, it's now or never. Griffin told me that the grabber is sleeping at the moment on his chair. He waited for me to play. I can leave but I need know the right combination number to the locker attached to the door to leave.




I have to test them all, but I have to be quiet.

Robin, I'm coming to you. 


Hope u enjoyed this chapter, thank u all for reading<33 

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