Chapter 5

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"I should snap your neck for what you did to my arm," said the grabber

It's all very blur, I only see shape and color. It's all dark and cold. He put me on a mattress, and I just knew he looked at me.

"Jesus, it's all covered in blood, it's like a killed someone" he said

I felt him, I felt his breath touched my skin.

"I'm not going to hurt you kid, I was just angry that's all, it wasn't me. Don't need to be scared"

After he talked to me, he left the basement, locking the door behind him. Of course, he locked it. If he managed to kill all the other boys, he wouldn't be that clumsy with me. I'm so naïve.



Why did I act like that? Why I stopped kissing him? Now because of me the grabber kidnapped him. His father called the police but Gwen was desperate.

I'm lost

I don't know what to do.

Help me God.

As I laid in my room soulless, I remember one thing: Gwendolyn's dreams. I need to know more about it. It's the only way. The police won't help, they are useless in time like that.

I put my shoes on and ran until I reached her house.

She opened the door; I crossed the threshold into the house. I can tell she cried all night; her eyes are big and red.

"Gwen, I don't want to bother you or anything, but I need your help"

And then we began to talk about her dreams, how realistic and accurate they were. I told her what I saw last night, how Finney got abducted and every possible detail on the grabber.

I chased Finn last night but he's a runner. I was too late. I screamed his name, but the grabber already got him. I saw him looking at me, he didn't move during a few seconds, but for me it was the longest seconds of my life.

"I'll try to dream tonight, I will do everything I can Robin, I have hope. He's a survivor," said Gwen

He has to be. 

Thinking about the grabber doing something bad to Finney made me feel physically sick. I swear I could kill him right now.


The black phone on the wall rang. I stood up looking at it, I picked it up. But the grabber stopped me before I could talk. He tried to calm me down. He knew I was scared. Merely, all I wanted to do is cut is through out until he bleed out like a fucking pig.

Suddenly, I heard noises upstairs. A ray of hope returned to my body. The police? Someone is going to save me? Is it Robin?

"Did someone see something? are the police coming? I promise If you let me go right now I won't tell anybody." I said, desperate  

He laughed

"No, it isn't the police. Nobody's coming for you"

"I'll scream. I'll scream so hard that they're going to suspect something"

"No he won't, not with the door shut"


"With the door shut, nobody can hear you even If you scream. I soundproofed it myself"

It's hopeless. He's the one who killed the others but he won't admit it. He's creepy and he looked like a pedophile. But I got a plan, a pretty poor one but at least it's something.

If he tries to touch me, I will scratch his face and someone will notice eventually and ask why. Everybody is suspecting someone so he will be the number one suspect on the list.

I hang the phone because he ordered me to.

"I was down here once when it rang. Creepiest damn thing. I think it's static electricity that does it. It went off while I was right next to it." He said

He left the basement, leaving me all by myself with a dirty mattress and a broken phone. I cried out for help, but in vain. I analyzed everything in the room. There is a window that brighten the room, but it's really high. I  can't reach it. There is a small hallway leading to the toilet. My stomach hurt so bad.

 I'm going to die in here.

I laid down on the mattress and tried to fall asleep.

As I woke up, I heard the phone ringing, but it was odd. I could hear a creaking sound. "STOP IT"

"Stop what?" Asked the grabber

He scared the shit out of me. I looked at my kidnapper. He had a mask on, a really scary mask. How can people could be so cruel and heartless? His breathe became louder and louder. He's looking at me. He doesn't say anything and neither I am. He's not here to feed me. He want something more..

I stopped breathing. As if I stop doing anything, everything around me would stop. Time would stop. HE would stop. I just knew deep down that he would do something to me, if not killing me.

I just need my sister and Robin right now..

Then he left, again.

The phone rang. I picked it up. After a few seconds, I heard a boy spoke through it.

I know that boy.

It's Bruce Yamada, the last one who got kidnapped. How is it possible? He died!

Despite this weird moment, we spoke for a few minutes before the he hanged up. He told me about a dirt section on the floor that I have to dig it up. I had to continue the work that Bruce made before the grabber killed him.

What the fuck is happening right now...? I feel like I'm losing my mind.

After digging up and threw the dirt in the toilet, I heard someone coming. I stopped everything and tried to hide it. Then, I sat on the mattress.

He opened the door. I'm going to explode, seeing his face every time made me sick, but it frightened me at the same time.

He had a plate on his hands with food on it. He put it on the floor and told me to eat it.

Then, he left again. But something had changed, he didn't lock the door. Ah! Fucking idiot, he must be so obsessed with me that he forgot to lock the door. It's my time or never!

But the phone rang. I thought it was Bruce but the voice isn't the same. 

It's Billy. The paperboy, he got kidnapped too.

He talked to me about not going upstairs because it was a trap. Apparently, the grabber would wait for me upstairs with a belt to beat the shit out of me. And then move on to the next part... I wonder what the next part is.. Then I heard nothing.

What can I do..?

I opened the door and I climbed the stairs. One door. One fucking door is blocking me to freedom. But I won't open it. I trust Billy. I don't have other choices if I want to survive.

I'm laying on the dirty mattress where the previous victims must had slept on.. Or maybe worse.

Let's start from the beginning too see if I'm not crazy; I've been kidnapped by a child killer and now I'm received calls from a disconnected phone where I can spoke with the former victims.

OK, I'm definitely losing my mind.

I just hope all of this is a bad dream where I can wake up from.. I just want to woke up next to Robin and watch him sleep peacefully. It's all I want. 

I just want him

Him by my side forever..

Finney x Robin / BlackPhone FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now