Chapter 10

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« Okay here, give me your hand » I said to Robin.

Two weeks have passed since the incident. Everything are back to normal. People had a great admiration for me and Robin now. We're like prom kings and queens, except that Robin Arellano wasn't a girl. He was a boy who liked girls.

Every time we were together, some girls would come over and give him their numbers, which he would eagerly accept. I wanted to do the same when Donna asked me out, but I couldn't, knowing that I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with someone else. I couldn't break her heart.

I've always known I liked boys, I just wanted to pretend I was normal, at every movie we watched since I was little, I always looked at the male characters. Not only that, but I never had a real crush on a girl. But now I think it's normal. However, growing up. I saw that people were horrible about it. If they knew I was attracted to boys, they would literally kill me. I know it, I saw it on the news. How to be accepted in a prejudice, sexist, racist and heteronormative society ? I don't want to die because I like boys.

I don't really know what I am, but I'm still young. I will figure it out. But the only thing I knew for sure is that : I don't like BOYS. I like a boy named Robin Arellano. And this boy was right in front of me, he looked me in the eyes and raised his hand so I can put on the friendship bracelet I made for us.

"Here, I have something for you too, close your eyes" Said Robin

I closed my eyes. It's almost 1am, and we're sitting in the middle of his bedroom talking, crafting and tickling. I was afraid to touch him because I didn't know how he would react, so I tried everything I could to get close to him. That's why I made matching bracelets or I drew on his arm. I wanted to feel connected to him and I wanted to have a meaningful and deep connection with him.

YES. I KNOW WE KISSED, but I'm sure he just thought I was desperate, and he felt sorry for me. He's just a nice boy trying to help his friend.

He handed me a piece of paper.

"You have to guess what it is," Said Robin

"What do you mean guess? It's just a paper!"

"Guess what's on the paper you dummy"

"Okay, it's def a drawing"

"Yeah. It is, but what's the drawing?"

Could be anything, my first thought was that Robin and I would be on top of our school, burning. The fire will consume everything, but we will stay alive and strong like superheroes.

"I can see you're struggling. You can open your eyes Finn"

I put my eyes on the paper. Robin drew a rocket in space with me in it. But his skills at drawing was more like one of a child rather than a professional, so it was just a stickman with my name next to it. In case I didn't recognize it.

"I know it sucks, but it's your dream. I wanted to make it real just a few seconds" told Robin

I didn't even hesitate before squeezing him into my arms. "I love it, thanks," I said from the bottom of my heart. He smelled perfume, mixed with fresh laundry and shampoo.

I felt good in his arms, he made me forget all my problems and all my fears. It was just me and him forever.

Now I was sure of it. I am in love with Robin. Fuck... I fell in love with my best friend. He was the first boy I ever loved. I wanted to know all his flaws, what he liked and what he didn't. I wanted to know everything about him, from basics like "what's your favorite color" to the little useless stuff that other would probably forget but not me. I can't get enough of him.

Finney x Robin / BlackPhone FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now