Chapter 3

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That damn bell rang. Even thought I am elated to hear that sound, it felt like a burden to me.

But today's Friday, it means I'm going to Robin's house. I'm waiting him by his locker because I had this vexatious feeling inside of me.

Gwen is waiting with me. I can't let her be all my herself, even thought she's a badass and she helped me a myriad of times when the bullies were after me, the grabber is still on the loose and her dreams won't stop. I will never forgive myself if something bad ever happens to her. But today is my lucky day, she's staying over at Susie's tonight.

"You'll think that dad will be okay tonight?" Said Gwen

"I hope so, I told him yesterday night. He said it was okay"

"Damn, what did you do to ? Drugged him?

"Plus I'm not staying very late, I will get home eventually" I said, patting her on the shoulder.

"Be careful though, I don't want to have a dead brother, you jerk."

Robin showed up with that same adorable look which reassured me. He greeted the both of us.

I could tell he was trying to touch me as we were walking down the street, I don't know...but I kind of liked it because my hands wanted to touch his. I was confused about what we were doing because my sister was right next to me and she might see us. We pretended not to touch our hands, but I could deeply feel that he did all that on purpose but we still acted like nothing happened.

When we arrived at Susie's place, Gwen said goodbye to us as she walked down.

"Adios Hermana!" Said Robin in his native language.

"What did you said ? " I said, chuckling.

"I said "Bye sister". I Really have to teach you some Spanish, you are a disgrace to the nation Finney"

We laughed together.

We went to a drugstore across the street and bought some snacks for this afternoon. We watch movies after we study. Even thought it's only been a few weeks since we spend time together, I am happy to be by his side.

But suddenly, this strange feeling struck again. As we walked, a black van drove past us and parked in the empty parking lot. I decided not to think about it, but my heart was pounding, but no one got off the car.

When we finally arrived, his mother greeted us with a charming smile.

"Hello boys, you must be Finney, right?" Said his mother in a Mexican accent.

"Yes ma'am "

"Come on Finn, I have to show you something," Robin said

He grabbed my arm and dragged me into his bedroom, and I waved goodbye to his mother.

"Man! She seems so nice" I said

"I know right? You know, when my pops died in Nam, we became very close and she's doing her best," he said.

He didn't say much. His expression was a little numb, but then he let out a sigh.

He looked at me.

I looked at him.

Not knowing what to say, I patted him on the shoulder. I'm so fucking miserable.

"So.. Math! Tell me what you didn't understand," I said, opening a book and flipping through it.

We sat on his bed and I started to explain the whole lesson brick by brick paying attention of the little details that can be difficult to understand. He looked me into my eyes the whole time, I started to fussed.

"The end." I said with a confident smile on my face

"I told you. YOU are way better than Mr. Johnson"

"Stop, you're lying."

"I am not Finn, you are really good" Said Robin, smiling.

I swear my face turned red because Robin looked away immediately. A minute later, we decided to watch a movie in the living room. We sat on mats on the floor looking like excited kids waiting for ice cream.

As the movie played, I suddenly felt suffocated.

Damn, it's not the moment, not now..

I tried watching TV to calm myself, but it only made it worse, the scene showed us a woman, a very poor woman, who couldn't save herself from her evil.

Then I remembered the day my mother died.

I looked at Robin in despair, hoping he would save me from this hell. I was right, his foresight gave me chills.

"Fuck Finney, what's happening?" Robin said.

I can't answer, although I'd love to.

The dim ray of the sun illuminates the living room, it's raining today. Robin put his hands on my arms and looked at me carefully.

"Breathe, like me. watch." He began to exhale and inhale.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

"Are you okay?" he asked

His hands are now on mine. My eyes filled with tears, waiting to flow.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? Do you want me to call your mother?" he asked confused.


He got up suddenly and ran to the phone.

"What's her number?" he said disquieting, holding the phone.

"She...She died"

I could see the look on his face. He was shocked, he felt guilty.

He squatted beside me without hesitation and hugged me because in time like that, words don't matter. He hugged me so tightly that I could felt the warmth of his body spread to me. Then I fizzled out and started sobbing. "Right in front of me," I said. "I've seen everything" "I feel so terrible because I couldn't save her"

"I feel like a mistake." I said.

He doesn't answer but I could hear him snort.

"Wait, are you crying?" I asked

He looked at me, his eyes are filled with tears too. It's glowing, its magnificent. I can feel his hairs touching my face, it's silky.

"Hey Finn. You are not a mistake and you will never be. What happened to you that day was definitely not you fault. I'm sorry you had to endure that"

"I..I don't know what to say Robin. Thank you.."

"I appreciate that you told me buddy"

He hugged me once more. 

Finney x Robin / BlackPhone FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now