Chapter 9

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Robin paced the basement, trying to figure out something. He analyzed everything in the room : holes, toilet, all the locked doors and the black phone.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do" Said Robin

But I didn't listen

"Finn, hey. Look at me buddy"

He carefully placed his hand on my white heart. This suddenly made it beat faster. As if he took it out of my body and kissed it with longing, love and tenderness.

"We're going to get out of here, okay?" He said

I looked up at him, his hand on my fingertips. Even in this desperate moment, he managed to calm me down.

"I'm not going to give up now, Finn. WE are not going to give up. I will kill that hijo de puta myself with my bare hands if I have too. He deserves to suffer" Robin shouted.

I don't really like it when Robin fights even though I'm quite amazed when he described me his fights. I usually see the good in people, even people like Moose or Matty. But this time I just want him dead, and I'll get justice for the kids this psychopath hurts. But I'll get revenge too. I want to see him suffer, I want to see him kneel and beg for mercy.

Then I'd stab him in the gut, stab his dick and make him bleed out until he starts to agonize. Finally, I'd stab him in the heart, I want him to feel what I felt when he took everything from me since the beginning.

Will I be the same even if we leave here?

"You know, everybody is saying that I'm the toughest one. But they're wrong. You are. You have always been. That's why we are friends" Said Robin.

"Only because of this?" My voice was dull, full of self-loathing.

"No, for a lot of others reasons.." He whispered. I almost didn't hear him.

He put his hand on my cheek and stroked it gently. He smiled at me despite everything. Never in my life I guessed that I will be kidnapped by a pedophile with Robin. You know the excitement and fear of that moment where you think you might be alone in a class full of people you don't know, but before looking at the list, you pray that your best friend will be with you.

That's how I felt when Robin came to me. It might be selfish to think that, even if I never wanted him to be stuck here with me, but I have to admit it . It's nice to have him. It's nice to have the boy I love in here, knowing that he did everything to save him, even if it meant putting his own life in danger.

Everyone said you always die alone. But I know I won't because he's with me. He always is.

"We don't have much time, we need to take that phone and fill it up with dirt, it will be our weapon." Said Robin with confidence.

"The phone..?" I said, perplexed.

I can't talk to him about the phone calls of the others dead boys. He won't really understand.

I still don't.

I don't know if I will be able to talk with the others, but I have a feeling the end is coming.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

"No, no, you're right. You're more clever than I imagined." I said, trying to think about something else

"So you think I'm just a sort of fighting machine?" Robin said, breaking the phone and filling it with dirt.

"Kind of.."

"Hey! That's mean! I can me so much more than that"

"Oh yeah?"

I was sitting with my arms around my knees and Robin finished filling the phone. He did a fast take back, one step forward, one step back and swung. Then he walked over to me, put the phone on the mattress next to me, and looked at me carefully. It's funny, I never saw him without is headband, he's pretty. Even thought we looked like apocalyptic teenagers, trying to survive the end of the world.

Finney x Robin / BlackPhone FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now