Chapter 1: Armageddon A

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Approaching the giant ship floating out in the distance. The captain using the ship communication lines contacts the princess aboard. The young lady sits soundly in her clamber as she looks over a report that has taken place over 20 years ago." After all this time we have finally found you," she speaks to herself. Receiving the call from the captain, he tells her that they are arriving very soon, the ship is already in her field of vision. In an elegant tone, she commander the captain to seize motion of all ships. 

Which he respectively obeys. The princess makes her way out of her room. After stepping into the hallway, she is greeted by a tall blonde man with glasses wearing a white military uniform. "Seem like we finally made it," said the man. The princess takes the lead as the man follow behind. The man asks her if she is scared? She suddenly stops to grip her chest. More precise. To hold the locket around her neck. She then asks the man softly. "Stanley, do you think. Do you he is...? She found it hard to say what is on her mind. Seeing the way, she is reacting Stanley clutches her head into her chest. 

"You already know the answer to that. It has been 20 years after all. That a very long time," he replied gently. 'But even so," she spoke in a distress tone. "Remember what your father said to us when we were kids. Letting go of the past helps you to move further to the future but facing your past helps you to become free go for the future. Moving on and feeling free are two different thing and require two different actions. The choice is you on which you want to do," the man spoke with confident. Release from his grip the princess puts back on a strong face. "Yes, you are right I have to decide. I have to do this."  

"Good to have you back "Princess Touka," he smiles while poking her forehead. She softly places her fists him in his chest in return. "Stop treating me like that," she said sounding annoyed but yet relief. She couldn't help but to smile as well seeing his gently smile.

Making their way to the piloting room. All the navigators including the captain stands in the wake of their princess. Placing their index and middle finger across their heart while standing straight. "That's really it, " Armageddon A" touka said. "Yes, your majesty. The ship we thought was lost 20 years ago," the captain replied. "Can you enhance the imagery of the ship. I want to get a closer look before we engage?" Stanley asks. Shaking his head to one of the navigators, they bring up a much closer look of the ship itself on screen.  

Seeing their trademark signal symbol on the side of the ship. There is no doubt about it, this is Armageddon A. "After all these years and we finally see what have come of you," said Stanley.  "Look at all those holes, whoever attack the ship diffidently didn't show no mercy," said one of the navigators. "Take a closer look at the holes on the ship," the princess says. "The metal edge of the holes is bending outward not inward." Stanley followed up by saying; "so the rumors were true. Whatever caused the destruction of the ship was due to something on the inside."

 "The rumors about a civil war breaking out inside Armageddon A are real then?" the captain asks. All the other navigators started to mumble and mutter among themselves. "We are still not sure of that!!" shouted the princess. Everyone inside the room immediately seize silent after hearing the intense of her voice. "Sorry about that," touka softly apologized.

"Captain, I doubt our "Dragon class ships" can fit through one of those holes," said the navigator. "Then let's make a bigger hole," he orders. "No, I don't want to risk destroying the ship any more than it already has. Order the fleet to stand by. I will be leading the unit using the "Single man starfighters" to get inside the ship. There is a high chance that the ship is hostile, so we don't want to draw to much attention to ourselves," Princess touka explain. "Yes, as you wish your highness," the captain replied. 

Both touka and Stanley head toward the hanger of the ship. There a bunch of military soldiers were hanging out until they are approach by princess touka. "The ship stop, are we there?" one of the soldiers asks. "Yes, we will be using the single man starfighter to head inside the ship of this point. Before we do, everyone prepares your "Arsenal ex-arm suit" she commands.

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