Chapter 37: Jacklets

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Coming out of the shadow behind one of the soldiers was the claws of one of the creatures. Grabbing the woman face from behind and hold her up in the air. "HELP ME! she screams, but it was too late. The creature bite down into her neck and ripping her body into two, tearing the parts for her upper body away from her lower body. Leaving nothing but blood and guts splattering all over. 

The unit screams and open firing on the creature. With its thick skin and strong body, it took a lot of effort to kill it. But more of them come from out of the shadow to attack as well. "Shit, they were hiding here the entire time waiting on someone to pass by so that they can jump them.  Victoria swings her sword at the creature. It blocks her strike with it arm, just barely slicing into it flesh. 

She then swings her sword upward and slash its belly, putting more force and strength into her strike. she managed to cut open it belly killing the creature. Every begin to run out of bullet so they switch to their blades as well. Sneaking up behind shin is one the creature. It was about to get the jump on him until a sword came flying into the scene, stabbing into the head of the creature. 

Running up to the creature she hops on its head to pull out her sword and hop around over to the rest of the creatures to slash and kill them all. Everyone is shocked to see what just went down. Turning around to the others to ask. "Are you ok?" 

"Pinky you are alive," said Shin looking happy. "I thought you were dead," said Victoria. "If I were a real human, then yes." Pinky refers to her rip off left arm, a hole in her right shoulder and a piece of her rib cage completely rips away as well, exposing all the metal and wiring that makes up her humanoid body. Watson and the other pointed their weapon looking very shock.

 "Jus... just what are you?" they ask. She is not an enemy," shin said after stepping in front of pinky to defend her. "What... are you some kind of android?" Victoria asks. "Not quite," Pinky replied before opening up her belly to show her true form. "This is the real me," she said. They all freakout. "What the fuck is going on?" 

"Right now, I have no time to explain. Let gets out of her first," pinky suggested. They all were hesitating to go with Pinky knowing that she is an alien. But Victoria informs that it would be best to go with her. Seeing how she took down those creatures. She is right now the best hope in surviving this place. 

Deciding to follow but they also choose to keep their distances as well. In the back pinky could hear them muttering. They must be talking about her. Shin asks pinky why you revealed yourself to them like that.

"My body is already damage so there is no way for me to hide the true," she replied. "Yes, but what do you think going to happen once we get back up on the surface, they are going to report this," shin said with a worry look. 

"Let's worry about getting out of here safety first," Pinky replied. The team then came to another elevator, but it was no use. It was destroyed and not in the right condition to be fix either. 

"Did those creatures do this?" Cole asks. "Mostly likely," Pinky replied. "What are these things anyway?" the others asks. " They came from the beast planet call "Draken". Home to the most dangerous wildlife species in the universe. They are call "Jacklets". They have very thick skin and superhuman strength and speed. But you should already know that. But what really makes these creatures so dangerous are their ability to adapted.

The fact that they destroy our means of escaping the tunnels shows that they must be some "abnormal type", in your classification term. Abnormal type, those are alien species you classify as intelligent types. Creature that are able to talk and think for themselves, just like yourself." 

"They don't seem like that to me," Cole said. "That is how they hunt. They seem like the "beastly types", the ones that act more like wild animal. But that is just an act they put on to see how we will react to them in that form and study us. Which result it this." She points to the damage elevator. 

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