"is everything in there worth noting?"

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round four ||

january 23rd

[ 7:12 PM ]


I lock the front door, glancing out the window for a second before closing the curtain. I pull on the handle of the door, just to check and make sure it can't be opened. Then I check all the windows, lock them if they're unlocked, and close the blinds. I even check the back door neither of us uses, just to be sure.

Most nights I spend at Emmie's house. Other nights I spend at Onyx's, because Levi knows him the best out of anyone at the garage. But Emmie has homework, same as me, and it's always more difficult for us to get any work done when we're together, so I've just been spending dinner there most nights then coming here to sleep. It's working so far.

And some nights at Onyx's place are always awkward, since it's just him and me, and I'd rather be here alone than there. He's nice and all, but most dinners are takeout, and he just eats and watches TV when I'm there, and something tells me this is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

But it could also be the state of his messy house.

I press the power button on the laptop, starting it up. I forgot to charge it last night.

I haven't told Levi about sleeping at the house. I don't want him to worry. He'd want me to sleep somewhere else, but I don't feel comfortable anywhere else, even though sleeping here also makes me paranoid.

It's weird, thinking about the fact that I always had Levi in the house. And Levi, being the big brother, the man of the house, the man with military experience, sounds at night never seemed to bother him. But they've always bothered me. But when I knew he was there, I never had to worry about it, because I knew he would. I know he has a few guns around the house that I've never bothered to look for, but now that I'm on my own, I'd like to know where they are.

The laptop is ready for Levi's call. I sit comfortably on the couch, waiting.

It isn't like I'm not able to take care of myself. I know I am. But I didn't realize the difference I would feel living here alone. I have to make sure I lock the doors at night, set the alarm, keep the bat and flashlight right next to my bedside. When Levi was here, I always slept great.

Now... every sound keeps me awake. But I think that the dark has done that for me. Especially since everyone dangerous creeps around in the dark. It was in the dark that I was attacked, and I can't help but feel I need to be ready for anything, even if I'm inside.

I feel like I can still feel Adrian's wandering eyes on my skin and I shiver. I've had one too many men glance at me like he did, and I was terribly glad Levi was there. I know what he would have done if I hadn't stopped him, and a part of me did want him to hit him, but I knew that would never fly there. Besides, Charlotte needs to see the best in him, even though I see his protective side as one of the best things there is about him.

I always feel safe around my big brother.

The laptop begins to ring, and I press the spacebar. Levi's face appears, and he immediately smiles when he sees me. I grin to myself. I like his little boyish grin, the one that he usually has on when he sees me.

"Evening," I greet.

"Hi," he says.

"What are you doing?" I glance toward his backdrop which is a bookshelf with multiple books missing. "Are you reading?"

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