"if i can be seen in public with both of you still in your pajamas"

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round ten ||

march 25th

[ 9:12 AM ]

"So, what happens now?" Onyx is by my side, leaning over my shoulder as he looks at the book I'm currently reading. But before I can answer, Abri has come into the room, door slamming behind her.

"What happens is Levi shows us around and takes us out for lunch." She rests on my shoulder and lets out a deep sigh. I don't even need to look at her to know she's completely serious. And I would love to go out to lunch with them, I'm just not sure if I can.

I push both of them off. "That sounds great, only problem is, I don't know if I can be seen in public with both of you still in your pajamas." I glance toward the both of them with raised brows.

Onyx looks more offended than Abri. "These are not pajamas. These are specifically designed sweatpants for working out and running. You just don't know style when it's staring you in the face."

I send him a look. "Where'd you get them?"

He hesitates, "Walmart."

"Thought so."

Abri turns me around. "I'm not in pajamas either. I just happen to want to be comfortable for the next hours I spend filling my stomach with delicious food from a restaurant." She shrugs. "And they are not from Walmart." She sends Onyx a pointed look.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well, we all know those are hand-me-downs from Levi, so they're not much better."

Abri grins. "At least they aren't bright green." She chuckles a little.

Onyx crosses his arms, sending her a look of disdain.

I laugh looking between the two of them. "Where's Emmie?" I direct my question more to Abri.

"Still sleeping, last I saw." She takes a seat next to me. "Seriously, Levi, we should go out. I'll even ask permission if you're not man enough to do it yourself."

"Be my guest," I murmur and that's when she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her with finality. I can hear her loud footsteps out in the hall, going down the stairs. I lean my head back against the chair and rub my temples. I love her to death but it feels too early to be dealing with loud sounds.

I hear Onyx move around the room, and before I know it, he has a chair pulled up in front of mine, staring at me with an unmovable expression. I raise a brow, leaning forward, book set down on the arm rest next to me.

"What is happening right now?"

"What's happening is..." Onyx rests forward on his knees, "we are going to talk. Before Abri can interrupt us. We need some man time, and no offense to Abri, but she would be too invested in this conversation to be helpful. Plus, I figured you had some things you needed to say that included your sister."

"We can always resort back to Spanish if all else fails." I shrug, but I'm on alert now. Talk about what? I can't help but feel I'm about to be interrogated. And Onyx, while a fun person most times, has his moments of seriousness and I feel I've stumbled upon one of those rare times.

"It's not the same," he mutters.

I nod. I'm not sure what else to say.

"So?" I prompt.

Onyx narrows his eyes. "Last night. When you disappeared. I'm going to guess you were with Charlotte. And I'm going to guess it's because of those." He points to my ribs, which can be somewhat seen with my pulled up shirt. I self consciously yank it down, covering the bruises. "I saw your face. You were in pain."

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