a head full of confusion

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written by animationchic/aOK706

round seven ||

February 22nd


I huff as I duck behind another barrier. I sigh and lean my head back against the tin wall as I hear paintball after paintball pelt the thin material. It's been like this all day. This random guy has made it his mission in life to just target me for what feels like no reason. The guys on my team haven't seemed to notice it though, so I can't actually be sure if he's doing it on purpose but as the twelfth paintball explodes against my barrier, it sure feels purposeful.

The sound of exploding paint falls silent for a moment and I take my chance, moving from the thin wall to a large cement tube, running into Nico as I finally get there.

"Ooof, sorry," I pant as I crouch down beside him.

He shoots me a smile, his teeth white against his dark camouflage. "No problem, Charlotte. Having fun out there?"

"You could say that," I pant looking down at my gear. I easily have twice the amount of splatters on me than him.

"Oh, Little Lady, come out!" a male voice calls out over the course and I can't help but roll my eyes. Really?

Nico chuckles. "Sounds like you've found yourself an admirer."

"Not exactly a wanted one though," I confide and sigh, looking around the safe spot I've made for myself so far. I just duck back to safety in time when a paintball splatters where my face just was. I prepare to move to the next cover when the whistle rings out across the field. I blow out a breath of relief. "Finally."

"Yeah, enough practice, let's get on with the real courses," Nico grins widely at me.

I can feel my eyes widen. "That was just practice?!"


I blow out another breath of relief as Levi drops our first ball into our basket. I was not expecting paintball to be such an intense date. I guess I was picturing more of the paintball course from 10 Things I Hate About You. Instead, my brother booked us at a course that is reminding Levi of basic training.

I had mixed feelings when he told me that. On one hand, it was the first time Levi's ever talked to me about his time in the Coast Guard. On the other hand I can tell it wasn't all camaraderie and training camps. I want to know more but it doesn't feel like something I can just ask about. It feels like something I have to wait and hope Levi eventually trusts me enough to actually open up. I hope we get there one day.

In fact, the more I talk to Levi, the more I want to know.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when Levi shoves a football at me. I shake my head. "I can't take that."

I can feel my eyes bugging at the prospect. I just know that if I even try I will be hit. Probably multiple times. By the same guy. But Levi gives me a small, teasing smile.

"Sure you can, princess," he tells me like it's simple, like it's so easy. Of course, he hasn't been targeted all day. But then he adds, "I'll cover you."

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