"did you seriously just quote Princess Diaries 2?"

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round three ||

january 13th

[ 10:40 AM ]

"We were told to wait here, right?" Summit glances down the hall, then back up the stairs. He leans against the wall, letting out a breath. "They said ten-thirty, right?"

We all look at Bard. His brows raise. "I only know what I was told, same as you. Just because I was the first one here..." He crosses his arms. "Are princesses usually late?"

"I heard in a movie once that they're never late, they arrive precisely when they mean to," Jesse peeps up, still sitting on the floor. He got here and when it took too long for everyone to get here, he immediately sat down.

"I think it's a queen you're talking about, not a princess," I interject. "Did you seriously just quote Princess Diaries 2?"

Jesse shrugs. "Maybe. Did you just correct my quote from Princess Diaries 2, Levi?"

I chuckle. "Touche."

"Maybe this is a test." Summit pushes himself off the wall. "Maybe we're supposed to go find her, just like we're supposed to go find stuff at this grocery store."

Bard frowns. "I don't think we're shopping for a princess, Summit."

"And this isn't a grocery store." Jesse rolls his eyes.

"It would be if there were more than one." Summit winks.

"There's not," I mutter.

Summit sighs. "I think we should go look for her. Anyone know where her room is? Maybe she's having a bad hair day."

"And going to her room is supposed to make her hurry up?" Bard glances down the hall when we all hear a door open and close. Footsteps lead away from us.

"We could help." Jesse stands. "I'm all for looking for her. Anything other than waiting here."

I let out a breath. Bard nods. "Okay. Let's go."

"Yes!" Summit high fives with Jesse.

I follow behind them. "I haven't had too good of experiences with interrupting a girl in the process of getting ready. It doesn't usually end well," I grumble, thinking of how upset Abri usually got when I tried to rush her nail painting or hair dying.

"Well, since you have such experience Levi, you should do all the talking," Jesse shoots me a grin.

We round the hallway. I have no idea where we're going.

"I can do the talking," Summit says before I can.

"He can do the talking," I echo.

Jesse walks next to me. "You scared of Charlotte, Levi?"

I make a face. "Scared?"

He glances toward my tattoos, which are clearly seen on my arms, as I decided to wear a t-shirt today. It's a bit warmer outside than usual.

"I meant intimidated," he corrects himself, glancing toward the two in front of us.

"He was in the Coast Guard, Jesse," Bard calls.

Jesse's eyes widen. "Were you?"

I nod.

"Oh. Okay. Forgot I asked."

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