"because i'm my father's son"

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round eleven ||

april 10th

[ 11:54 PM ]

"Levi, can you get Abri, please?" I hear Mom's whisper, and I have to lean closer to hear what she says next, "Daddy comes home in a few minutes, and I want her to be asleep." Worry creases her brow, and she doesn't have to say anything else for my feet to move to my sister's room.

I've learned to read her facial expressions, especially in front of Dad. I know what she means when she wants me to call down Abri. She doesn't want Dad to think he can hold her. She would have an excuse if she was asleep for the night.

She said if he acted like a Dad he could hold her.

And so far he hasn't.

I creep into Abri's room, where she lays in her crib screaming her head off. Her arms are flailing at her sides, and even in the dim light I can see the red hot tears streaming down her face. Pain tinges my heart as I pick her up, rocking her back and forth, back and forth, until her screams begin to quiet and I feel her small hand clutch the collar of my shirt. Her tears have soaked through my clothes, but I still hold her tight.

The front door opens and slams shut, the sound echoing through the house and my body.

Dad's home.

I shush Abri, keeping her sounds quiet so he can't hear. I can hear Mom greet him, and then I hear the fridge door open. I hear glass clinking as well as quiet talking. I can almost hear what she's telling him, to be quiet, Abri's sleeping, she doesn't want her to wake up. I can hear Dad now, upset, his temper rising. I hold Abri close, feeling her go limp in my arms. She's sleeping again. I don't let her go, continuing to bounce her up and down.

It's safer to hide in this room than go out there.

Another door slams. Abri wakes.

But she doesn't cry. I stick her nuk in before she can. She wrestles against me for a few minutes before settling back down.

The TV turns on. Really loud. I can hear the game narrator speak, the sound echoing throughout the room, making it harder to put Abri back to sleep.

"Abri's sleeping!" I hear Mom's harsh whisper.

But the TV's volume stays. Dad isn't listening.

There seems to be a touchdown. Dad cheers and swears at the TV.

Abri wakes up.

Her nuk falls to the ground.

I want to cover my ears as Abri begins to scream. I do my best to rock her, bounce her, shush her, but nothing works, and soon the roar of the TV quiets and her bedroom door opens. The lights flicker on, and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but once they do, I only see my dad standing at the entrance, eyes trained on me and Abri.

Mom is right behind him, mouth firm.

"Why are you in here?" he barks at me. I jump, Abri flailing in my arms.

I open my mouth, "I—I," but he stops me from continuing.

"Give her here. Let me calm her down." He walks quickly and before I can protest, Abri has been lifted out of my arms and into his. I reach for her, but I'm only eleven and he lifts her up high, close to the ceiling, out of my reach.

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