"will you marry me?"

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round seventeen ||

july 16th

[ 11:23 AM ]

I kiss Charlotte for what feels like forever.

We don't let each other go, not yet, not now, not when five days turned into an eternity and for the first time in my entire life I don't feel the need to run. I don't feel the need to pull away and do whatever it takes to cut myself off from loving someone. Instead, my hands are so tightly wound around Charlotte's waist that I couldn't pull myself away even if I tried.

But we both knew we couldn't stay in the sunflower field. We had to head back.

I grip the steering wheel, glancing over to Charlotte, who is fidgeting with her ring, looping it round and round her finger. My eyes snag on it and a smile creeps over my face. I reach over and grip her hand, grabbing her attention.

"Are you nervous?" My brows raise, taking in her half contented smile.

"A bit," she says, her body shifting in her seat until she's facing me entirely, gripping my hand with hers just as tightly. "I just don't know what to expect from my father."

Her words strike a chord. I've tried not to think about that, but my mind can't help but go there. The last time I saw her father he was offering me a way home to think about Charlotte's offer. And I know he was hoping to convince me that I belonged at home, but instead, I'm coming back to tell him I'm marrying his daughter.

"Ah," I slip out, nodding. I squeeze her hands. "Me either, but at least we'll be together."

The thought warms me just as much as it does to Charlotte. Her half smile turns wider, and her expression softens. For a moment, it's hard to imagine not facing her father alone. Not facing anything alone anymore. It's a weird feeling, one that sits heavily in the pit of my stomach. I'm used to doing things by myself without needing anyone else.

But there's another feeling settled inside, and I wonder if it's the feeling of relief to not have to do it all alone. I have Charlotte's hand in mine and she has my heart in hers.

We'll be alright.

My heart begins to race without my consent as soon as we arrive at the castle and head up the front steps to those two big doors that I was staring at not one hour ago. But instead of staring up at them hoping Charlotte would come out, I'm about to walk through them with my future wife next to me. My chest constricts as I take another step up the stairs.

The doors fling open and Abri and Natalia bolt toward us, startling me.

I hear Abri over anyone else behind those large doors, "Did he do it?" Her voice is heard above everything, and it's directed toward Charlotte. She glances toward our intertwined hands, lifting her head just as Charlotte nods, grinning. She halts, fingers gripping her hips as she asks, "And?"

Abri's excited and wide eyes snag to me, and I reach over and hold up Charlotte's hand in front of her. I wince as soon as I hear Abri's squeal begin as I say, "She said yes."

Sounds of approval shout joyously out into the air as Charlotte is embraced tightly by both girls. I still grip her hand even as they begin to jump up and down, shaking her back and forth in excitement. Before I know what's happening, Abri has moved over to me and does the same exact thing, except this time, I see large tears pooling in her eyes as she ends her squealing by crushing me in a hug, holding onto me like she's never held onto me before.

She knows what this means, for both of us. Something she said she's always wanted for me.

Her lips plant a kiss on my cheek as more of the crowd erupts from behind the front doors.

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