with you, i'm home

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written by animationchic/aOK706

round thirteen ||

May 9th

8:23 am

I take my time heading to the lesson room. This feels like too much too soon. I just met these guys in January and now I'm just down to five. How did it go so fast?

And now I'm taking the next step.

My father and I always discussed that when I get near to the end, I need to travel to them. See their homes, what they're like in their natural environment, get to know them in their most comfortable setting. And now I'm at five. I guess it's time.

"Charlotte, I hear you have exciting news for our young men?" Uncle Phillip greets me at the door, obviously having discussed this with my father before I even had. I give him a smile and die a little inside as he yields me the floor.

I stand in front of the men, the five men left. It seems like just yesterday there were 35 men and now... It's almost the end of this. I glance between each of them, searching for support and I don't know what else.

"Charlotte, what's going on?" Ambrose asks from the front table, shifting like he's about to stand, like he's about to come to me. As much as I want his comfort, I need to just tell them. Really, I don't know why I'm freaking out. This is good, right? Right? These men are good, these men are right. I just need to make that final decision, and this is going to help me do that. So why am I so nervous?

"Sorry." I shake myself out of my internal rambling and look at each of them and force another smile. "You're all going home."

Silence. Dead silence greets me.

It takes me a moment to realize what I did. As each of their faces begin to fall, to pale in confusion and worry I rush to add, "And I'm coming with you!"

"Sorry, but what?" Quentin asks as he pinches the bridge of his nose in confusion.

"Right, I'm sorry." I sigh and deflate a little. I hold in a chuckle as I look around at the pure confusion in this room. I take a deep breath. "As amazing as it has been having all of you here, it's time that I see you in your hometowns. Meet more of your friends and family. See what you do in your normal life, what you're like. And also spend some more relaxed time together, but on your turf, not mine. Basically, you guys are in charge."

"When is this happening?" Ambrose asks and I smile at the ever-practical man.

"Starting next week. My father and I finalized the schedule just this morning. The only thing that has to happen in each hometown is we have to have dinner with each of your ambassadors. After that, it's pretty much up to you guys what you want to do," I explain and smile as Audrey strides in the room handing me a thick folder and my phone. "Thanks Audrey, I was just telling the guys about the next five weeks."

"Five weeks?" Levi asks, his eyebrows raising.

I flush. "Sorry, I don't think I'm doing the best at explaining. Yes, I will be spending five days in each hometown, arriving each Monday and leaving each Friday. Some weekends, I'll come home, others I will be spending away and relaxing. You will be spending the entire time home, coming back at the end of the five weeks."

"This sounds really fun, I have so many ideas already." Xander smiles at me from his table and I can't help but smile back.

I pass out a sheet of paper to each guy. "This is the schedule my father and I came up with. I hope these work for everyone. Also, I will need to know if I need to make arrangements with hotels in each town."

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