the buildup

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written by animationchic/aOK706

round seventeen ||

July 16th

1:53 pm

I didn't want to return to the palace. Not yet anyway, but we knew we needed to head back. There are too many people waiting to hear and see what happened. Too many people who have probably already guessed. I twist my fingers together in my lap as we slowly come up the drive and Levi looks over at me, taking my hand with a gentle smile.

    "Are you nervous?" he asks me softly, raising his brows.

    "A bit," I admit and I turn to him. "I just don't know what to expect from my father."

    "Ah." Levi nods, understanding. He squeezes my hand once. "Me either, but at least we'll be together."

    I smile at that, a broad smile because I still can't believe it. Levi proposed. He chose me. He's going to be my forever and I can't wait to get that forever started.

    We finally reach the front doors and I'm surprised that there isn't a small crowd waiting for us. Instead, we have time to park the car and Levi rushes around to open my car door, helping me out of the car. I flush from his attention and he smiles down at me, his dimple showing, proud to get the reaction from me. I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles as he takes my hand and together, we start to head towards the doors. I think we make it up three steps before the door flies open and Natalia and Abri race toward us, each trying to be the first ones to us.

    "Did he do it?" Abri yells, looking at me, glancing at my hand in Levi's as she rushes us and I nod, smiling. She stops just in front of us, panting slightly. "And?"

    I grin and Levi holds up my hand, showing off my sunflower ring. His sister's eyes go wide, a high pitched squeal already starting when he confirms, "She said yes."

    "Yes!!" Abri and Nat shout together, crushing me in a hug. I gasp and chuckle at their combined efforts and it's doubly awkward since Levi still hasn't let go of my hand.

    The two girls laugh and jump up and down, excited, and Abri finally releases me and turns to her brother, starting the whole thing over again. Slowly, more people exit the palace, trying to find out what's going on and slowly, we have a crowd surrounding us in their well wishes. I don't think I've received so many hugs in a row in my life and all the while, Levi stays by my side.

    Just where he said he'd be.

    Eventually we all go inside and immediately the climate changes. There, waiting in the foyer for us, are my parents. They're not smiling but they also don't have guards ready to cart Levi off, so I suppose that's a good sign. All of the chatter dies around us as Levi and I stand in front of them, hand in hand.

    My father raises his brows. "Well?"

    "Well," I start, trying to swallow but it gets stuck in my throat. I clear it once and continue, "Well, Levi proposed."

    "And I assume all of this celebration is because you said yes?" My father asks me and I can feel the weight of his judgment.

    "Yes," Levi and I answer in unison and I feel him give my hand another squeeze. He is still here with me. He's not going anywhere.

    It's hard to describe their reaction as they let the news sink in. My mother recovers a bit quicker than my father, moving forward to wrap me in a hug and then turning to Levi, hugging him as well. It's awkward and tense and I think this is the first time I've really seen her interact with Levi. That breaks my heart a bit. My father bypasses me all together, giving me a nod and holding his hand out to Levi to shake. As he does, my mother moves back to me, separating me from them and pulling me off to the side.

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