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May 3, 2015


The familiar sight of Michelle's house comes into view as I ease my Jeep into a parking spot, my anticipation growing with each passing moment. I can't help but wonder how she'll react when I tell her about my unexpected encounter—no doubt she'll go into a frenzy and insist that I text him immediately. A small chuckle escapes my lips just imagining her excitement.Gathering my keys and purse, I step out of the vehicle and make my way up her driveway, a symphony of nerves and excitement coursing through me. As I reach the door, I attempt a rhythmic knock, but it falls flat, revealing my lack of musical prowess. Michelle swings the door open, her eyes widening at the unexpected sound.

"What the hell? You knocked like you were the feds," she exclaims, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I almost didn't answer."

"Well, a 'hello' or 'how are you' would've been nice," I retort, rolling my eyes playfully as I step inside. Locking the door behind us, Michelle turns to me, a mischievous glint in her eye

• • •
"You're lying!" Michelle exclaims, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"I have no reason to lie," I insist, a grin spreading across my face as I revel in the reality of my incredible encounter.

"Spill it, girl. Tell me everything. Start from the moment you walked into that store," Michelle demands, eagerly sipping her drink as she scoots closer, ready to devour every detail.Taking a deep breath, I plunge into my story. "So, you know Fridays are my designated shopping days. I was strolling down the aisle, searching for my beloved Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but of course, it was perched on the top shelf, just out of reach. Being tall, I thought I could handle it, but no matter how much I stretched, the box eluded me."


"Need some help with that, lil' mama?" The smooth voice, thick with a familiar accent, freezes me in place. No, this can't be real. It must be some twisted dream. I ignore the voice, reaching again for the cereal, determined not to be swayed. The stranger's hand gently encircles my wrist, his voice low and insistent. "I'm serious, shawty. Let me help you out."Unable to resist his persistence, I step aside, allowing him to reach for the elusive box of cereal. His fingertips brush against mine as he hands it to me, our eyes locking in a moment of shared electricity.

"Here you go," he murmurs, his gaze lingering a beat too long. The air between us thickens with tension as I take the box, our fingers grazing once more. "Thank you," I breathe, my voice barely above a whisper. My heart pounds in my chest, the heat of his body radiating into mine.

"No problem, Melanie," he corrects himself, his voice smooth as silk. "It's not every day I get to help out a woman as stunning as you."The compliment sends a wave of warmth through me, and I can't help but return his smile. "Well, I appreciate it."

His gaze holds mine for a moment longer before he reaches into his pocket, producing a sleek black phone. "How about we exchange numbers? You never know when you might need a tall guy to help you reach for something."

I can't help but chuckle at his playful tone. "I suppose that wouldn't be the worst idea."He hands me his phone, and I quickly enter my number before returning it. His fingers brush against mine once more as he takes it back, and I can't help but wonder if the spark I feel is all in my head. "Perfect," he says, his eyes sparkling. "I'll be looking forward to hearing from you."


Michelle's jaw dropped as I laughed, recounting the story. Her disbelief was palpable as she grabbed my purse, rummaging through its contents for my phone. Once she had it in hand, she unlocked it and began scrolling through my contacts, presumably searching for August's number.

"Michelle, I swear to God, if you call him, I'm gonna kick your butt," I exclaimed, swiftly snatching my phone back and locking it. "Remind me to change my passcode," I muttered, shaking my head.

Michelle rolled her eyes, undeterred by my threats. "You have to call him, Melanie! What if he's not in town for long? Don't miss your chance to get a piece of that long, Febreze can, that Mr. classy, that gooood good," she laughed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.I joined in, laughing at her over-the-top antics. "I just can't with you sometimes, Michelle," I chuckled, catching my breath. Her laughter subsiding, she turned serious. "If not for you, then do it for me. You have to give him a chance.

"Kaleb did you wrong, but that was over a year ago," she stressed, her gaze filled with concern. "Plus, you've been so uptight lately."

I playfully swatted her, feigning offense. "No, I have not! Shh!" A yawn escaped me as the events of the day began to catch up. "Anyway, I'm getting tired," I sighed.Michelle gathered our glasses, heading into the kitchen as she spoke over her shoulder. "Suuure, whatever you say," she teased, the playful tone still lingering in her voice."I'm crashing here tonight," I announced, making my way to the guest room. Michelle's room, with its bold zebra print, was a reflection of her vibrant personality, while the guest room provided a cozy respite. Slipping into the bathroom, I changed into a pair of shorts and a worn NYU shirt, grateful for the familiar comfort. "Goodnight, boo," I called out, crawling under the covers. The day's events had truly worn me out, and as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for me next

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