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July 16, 2015

I lay in my bubble bath I just made for myself. I needed to relax and relaxing is what I was doing. August was causing a migraine, and I couldn't take it any more.

I had tried calling him earlier when mind was racking with thoughts of him, but of course he didn't answer so I said F it. If he wants to act single, let him be single I have no intentions to chase a grown man

The water swayed from side to side as I moved it with my toe. The weekend filled my ears, closing my eyes I let serenity swallow me.

I think back to my office and my paitents, the truth is I love my job. I don't know what I would be doing if I wasn't a pshyciyatrist, I've wanted to be one since I was a little girl.

I thought back to my first day of high school. I was nervous as I don't know what, I ended up falling out of my chair and spraining my ankle.

I laugh just thinking about it,  I'm so clumsy not forgetting the time I tripped on the stage at my middle school graduation

I hope my child doesn't develop that trait, it's embarrassing

I close my eyes once again blowing the bubbles off my arm, I sip my wine and place it back down on the floor

After another 20 minutes of soaking I decide to get out. after putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs

I'm greeted by laughter and a bunch of people I haven't seen in years.

"Uncle green, aunt kelly, Frankie" I take a leap of faith down the steps nearly running into the dinning room attaching them with hugs. I missed them like crazy.

Michelle was having a conversation with Frankie while I caught up with my aunt & uncle

"How's life been?" Aunt Kelly asks sitting down on the sofa

"Good for the most part, what about y'all?" I smiled

They both replied with amazing as they told me about their trip to Hawii for their anniversary

I was interrupted from the conversation by my phone ringing. It was a Virginia number

Looking at the caller ID, I see it's the local hospital. I think the worst. Please let everything be fine

The happiness drains from my body as I answer it


"Hi Miss Marian, I'm sorry to bother you. We have your boyfriend August here, he's in critical condition"

My heart sinks as I sink down the wall. Tears fall down my face uncontrollably as I try my best to finish the conversation

"Say no more, I'm on my way"

I run upstairs and grab my bag putting some stuff I needed in there.

I'm pretty sure everybody thought I was crazy right about now. I just ran out the room like a mad women.

How could I be so stupid? My mom was right something else was going on here, August didn't cheat

Then what was Jessica doing? My mind races as I try to put two and two together

I didn't have time for this,  grabbing my purse and bag I exit the room and jog down the stairs.

"August is in critical condition. I'm on my way back to Virginia. I'm so sorry it had to happen at this time" I finish getting chocked up, I'm an emotional mess.

My mom and Michelle instantly come to my side.

"I'm going to pack a bag" I hear my mom say before disappearing upstairs

"You had another thing coming if you thought you were leaving here without your bestfriend" Michelle smiles pulling me into a hug

I cry on her shoulder. The last time this happened my brother died.

"It's gonna be ok" she encourages.

"I'm gonna go get my stuff, youre not driving ok?" She states going upstairs

My dad comes over to me and pulls me into a embrace "my babygirl" he kisses my forehead

I feel safe in my dads arms.

"Pray" I say "pray, all of you pray for him please. We're a praying family for a reason"

My mom and Michelle walk down the stairs with many bags in their hands.

"I'm gonna stay back and watch the house, y'all be safe"

My dad lead us in prayer as we bowed our heads.

"I love y'all" I smile kissing my family members on the cheek.

We say our goodbyes

We all pile in my car Michelle, mom and I.

Michelle starts off driving and my mind wonders. This isn't going to be a repeat of my brother.

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