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July 6, 2015

My shift at work is almost over, I've had a bunch of clients today since I've gotten in. 3 new and 2 ones I've seen previously. I've learned throughout the years you have to have to be a strong person spiritually and emotionally to do this Job. One of my younger clients I had today has been molested by her uncle, it took everything in me not to break down and cry with her. I'm pretty sure I have her over 20 hugs in her session here. This job is hard but I do it for the sake of others.

I bring my hand up and stare at the ring August put on my finger earlier today. I smile uncontrollably just thinking about it. That man right there, I could imagine spending the rest of my life with him.

Since I have nothing else to do, I call Michelle and Jessica on three way.

"If August asks I'm with y'all tonight ok?" I ask them "oh and good afternoon" I smile.

"Why am I lying to my future brother in law?" Michelle asks "I actually like this one" she laughs

Jessica's voice soon cuts in "shut up Michelle, and you know we gotchuu Mae. Where are you going tonight that you can't tell August?" she questions

I sigh through the phone "promise you won't get mad"

"Girl if you don't tell us already, I will come through this phone" Michelle threatens laughing

"Michelle shhh, yeees girl we promise" Jessica beams

I bite my lip "I'm going to see Chris, just as friends!" I defend

"Ooh Marian what have you gotten yourself into" Jessica asks

"No the hell you're not!" Michelle screams "didn't you say August asked you to e his girlfriend this morning, that he didn't want lies. And not even 24 hours later your already being un honest"

I play with the small toy on my desk as I turn it around. Were they right? Should I tell August? I exhale and get up grabbing my purse

My clock reads 6:00pm more minutes and I'm out of here I think typing up the rest of my notes from my patients today.

"Marian! I know you hear me!" Michelle yells

"I think you should just be honest with him Marian, you can't have a relationship with lies" Jessica Insists

I run my hand through my hair. "I gotta go, I'll text y'all later" I hang up before Michelle can curse me out, this is something.


I search for my car as I walk down the pathway with many cars parked.

I soon get to my car and see August's black Range Rover next to mine, didn't I tell him I was gonna meet him at the studio.

I can't help but smile as I watch him play on this phone. This man is beautiful, he has on a pair of silver ray bands, a all white button down shirt and white pants looking like milk. Not just regular milk but that good 2% that hits the spot on impact.

I laugh it off and walk to his car.
"You looking for a good time Daddy?" I whisper, and then bust out laughing. I lightly slap my knee as I come back up

"That was a knee slapper" I laugh some more

"Why you laughing foe? imma take you up on that offer" he smirked

"Goodbye August" I smile as I lean in to peck his lips

"I missed you" I say as I continue to smile

"I missed you more, I couldn't wait to tell you about the feed back of hip hop. The nation seems to love it" he cheesed.

"I know, I listened to it on my break. It's an amazing song baby" I sat as I get in the passengers seat

Jessica POV

I pout as I sit down getting my dog ruffy. That Bitch always gets everything she wants.

I look down at my red bottom shoes my side nigga gave me. Their so pretty I think. What to do today what to do today?

Getting up I wipe off my Micheal Kors dress and my channel purse. I'm off to meet Mr.Grey

Refilling Ruffy's dog bowel before I walk out the house.

If y'all ready want to know I'm not Marian's friend it's all an act. I work for one of the biggest cooperation's in VA. It's my job to rule in Marian, and if I can get to her I can get to August. It's all about August he's the one I want. I bite my lip just thinking about it. My baby will be mine.

I stop at a red light and ponder thinking about that bomb ass dick Chris had given me the other night. Smiling I look in the mirror and apply some more concealer.

Most people would call me a hoe, but I do what I do for the things that I get. I'm not gonna be broke all my life and one of these days, their going to get caught up and I'm gonna end up having their baby. By their I mean August, I'm gonna make him want me. That day in the grocery store when Marian met him and told me about it I was so upset, I hope she slips up and goes back to Chris.

The dumb hoe tells me everything that's why I was encouraging her to go out with him tonight. I don't like the fact that she keeps me so distant tho.

Turning the corner I let down my window of my White Audi. This car is my baby.

My ringtone "kissing on my tattoos" soon comes on, and I click the answer button.

"helloooo" I beam

"Jessica will you please tell August that I'm just going to see Chris as friends, nothing more" I hear Marian's voice through my speaker

"Fuck no, you not going to see that nigga and that's final. I finally decide to take step with you and you take ten back. The fuck outta hear" I hear August yell angrily

"I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to, but you Better lower your tone" Marian replies

I slightly laugh before catching myself. My plan is working perfectly

"Y'all calm down" I smile
"Yes August. Marian was just going to see Chris as friends I talked to her earlier about it and she stressed that it was going to be nothing but formal"

"I don't care , she's still not going" he says

I hear Marian sigh, "thank you Jessica, I'll talk to you later" she says

"Bye boo" and with that I hang up
"What a Bitch" I laugh, turning up my radio and cruising down the street


ALRIGHTY, now y'all got what y'all wanted tonight, two NEW CHAPTERS! Lol😩 now please comment and vote, for every vote I EXPECT their to be a comment and vice versa. Thanks again for reading y'al💕

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