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[this book is being edited, the main character name is changing from Marian to Melanie]
May 4, 2015

we spent a majority of the day downtown shopping for a dress. I never found anything I liked really, Michelle' sense of style is nothing like mine. Turning into Macy's I park my car

"This is our last stop, I have to get home soon" I laugh flipping my hair from in front of my shoulder.

Michelle just nodded texting away on her phone, Like nothing even happened. She's probably talking to her on and off again romantic interest Trey. see the thing is with Trey he doesn't have respect for her. I cannot stand a guy that doesn't have respect. My parents just didn't raise me that way. Michelle and Trey started dating when she was in college.

She said he was her first love. If was all a fantasy until she found some white girl ridding him in their bed that they shared. After that she swore she was done with him but of course she wasn't "Love makes you blind" was her excuse. She says people change, and me myself I'm a big believer in that people do change but cheating is just a whole different ball game.

Looking down at my Rolex I check the time it reads 7:00pm. I grab my purse and take my keys out of the ignition before opening my door.

"Michelle bring yourself on" I get out and close my jeep door before locking it. Michelle appears beside me, giving me a look

"Me and Trey are back together" I pause right where I am and look at her like she's crazy. Shaking my head I sigh and walk faster until I reach the doors or Macy's.

If she wants to ruin her life, fine. I've told her I don't know how many times that he's no good for her but she fails to realize. Like my momma says you have to let people make their own mistakes.

Looking around I see a many dresses, nothing of my taste. Touching a couple I smirk "these are ugly" walking to the next couple of options I decide to have more of an open mind. A dark blue mid-knee dress catches my eye. It has silk fabric with small ruffles below the waist line.

I walk over to it with Michelle hot on my tail.

"Marian just listen please" Michelle says in a pleading voice. I touch out to reach the fabric ignoring her, but then I decide that would be to mean.

"Its your decision, your life. It's fine if you're happy I'm happy." I look over the dress again and smile. This is the one I want. Blue is my favorite color and it fits my Hershey's complexion well.

Taking it off the rack I pick it up and take it to the cash register.

"did you find everything alright mam? " The lightskinned older women smiles "Yes mam I did, thanks for asking" she bags my stuff up and I'm on my way.

I look over at Michelle's uneasiness. "I'm not mad M's okay?" I stop and look at her "okay I'm lying, I'm a little upset but ill get over it. I tell you this if he makes you happy, if he treats you right and makes you a priority then its fine with me"

I smile looking at her brining her into a hug "thank you" she hugs me back. I pull away and walk back out to the parking lot getting into my car. my dash reads 7:47. by the time I get home its going to be 8:10ish that gives me 30 minutes to get ready unless August is late.

I hate the stereo-type that all black people are late . I laugh it off and turn the radio on "Planes" by Jeremiah and My other future husband is playing. From the same state I'm from my baby J.cole <3 Michelle sings along to Jeremiahs part "lets take a tripppppp" She cant sing worth flip.

A couple more songs come on before we pull up to my house. I grab my bag and get out the car unlocking my house door. "Chelle can you get me some water please?" ask "you and this water, you drink to much of it" "neeever" I laugh, I'm always laughing. going up the stairs I grab a new pair or undergarments and a towel.

10 minutes later

getting out the shower I look in the mirror putting on my Bra and Underwear. I cannot stand the word panties, it's just something I never really liked. Brushing my teeth and re-washing my face I go back into my blue, white and black decorated room. I have art covering all of my walls because I like art. In high school people had sports, I had art. I was never one for sports. I hatted when people would comment on my height and say "do you play any sports, basketball?" It would urk every last nerve in my body.

I'm 5'7, kinda tall for a girl I presume. I always hated being tall. Slipping on the dress Michelle zips me up. I put on my navy blue heels and switch my purse to my clutch after putting on some nude color lipstick and putting my hair down. Turning to Michelle I ask "How do I look?" she smiles and replies "gorgeous" I smile once again and look at my clock 8:59 one minute. grabbing my purse I head downstairs and check my phone. I see I have a text from August

10 minutes ago Daddy Aug👅💦
"Be there in ten"

I smile waiting. I gotta remember to change his contact "don't do nothing I wouldn't do, stay safe and most importantly wrap it up" Michelle comments closing my kitchen cabinet. "shh.. you know for a fact I don't give all this I gesture to myself up and down my body he's gonna have to work for this." and I meant every last word. I'd only had sex twice and my most recent encounter was last year with a long term boyfriend. You know how I told you my dad was a pastor? I didn't believe in sex until marriage until I slipped and it happened. Do I regret it? No you live and you learn. the doorbell rings. I look at a smiling michelle and gulp. here goes nothing. I take my time walking to the door before unlocking it

"Wassap beautiful" says a smiling August and a big bonnet of flowers. (ps. I wont be typing in Augusts accent, I just cant do it lol. But pretend he does still have his ok?"

"Hey handsome" I take the flowers and close my front door saying by to Michelle. looking over August I see he has a white dress shirt with some jeans and his tims. "Like whatcha see?" he asks smirking. "ehh Its alright, I've seen better" I joke. He pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear "nah baby you aint never had nothing like this before, this is one of a kind babygirl. Mr.. classy can testify to that" Grabbing my butt he pulls away. I take his hands and off and place then in front of him trying to keep him for seeing me smiling so hard. The dreams I have about this man. Getting to his car we take off

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