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June 11, 2015
Monday morning

           I straighten out my black pants suit and look at my black bumps on the ground. My next client should be here at 12:30. With all the events that went down yesterday I needed a stress reliever and work was one for me. I can help other solve their issues rather than mine. I look around my white walled office and smile, it was so nicely decorated. In the right corner of the room I have flowers that are so pretty, they really light up the room.

My office is mostly white, I feel like bright colors help people rather than dark ones. I type away on my computer pulling up some documents from the new client that will arrive shortly. Her names is Jamie Miller, she's a older women who's having trouble coping with the loss of her child. My heart aches out for her I couldn't imagine something like that happening to me. I want 4 kids, two that I have and two that I adopt and boy and a girl would be nice. I mentally prepare myself for the topics and conversation points i'm sure miss miller will bring up and I get out a pad and piece of paper for her to write on and set it on the small table infront of the couch. I crab some pillows and a blanket for her as well making the couch more comftorbale for her, I can already tell this is going to be a long session.

I go back to my desk and sit down, my phone lights up telling me I have a call and a couple of responded to text messages from Michelle, Chris, August, Leah, Shawnee and a couple of others. Why is every one blowing up my phone today.

I decided to call Michelle and check up on her. I unlock my phone and go to my phone tap. I press Chelle's name as I hear the ring tone.

"MARIAN!" she screams through the phone, I pull it away from my ear. that was really loud, she's always greeting my by screaming. "Yes?" I laugh

"Have you been on social media today? twitter? Instagram? Facebook?" she asks

"uhh no I haven't, I'm at work Chelle" I say

"yeaah yeaah I know, but August and Chris are all over the sites, you are too just check your twitter ok?" she asks

I sigh and sign in to my twitter account . Michelle is right Chris and August are one of the trending topics. I click my notifications tab to see I have more than 100 of them. This is ridiculous . I scroll; though them and most of the comments they were making weren't pretty. How did they get my twitter first of all? I surely didn't tweet anything about this.

"@RockwellBae : who is this @mvrian bitch and why is she all over my baby August😤"

"@leeeyaa : she got both of my babies over here, her Pussy must be too bomb😂 #HoesWillBeHoes"

"@jamiaking : don't know who this Marian girl is but she's really pretty😍😩💍 she could be bae"

There was more to follow, this is exactly why I didn't like being seen with celebrities. It makes life hard and everyone's in your business

My office phone begins to ring and I tell Michelle to hold on.

"Hello?" I answer in my sweetest voice
"Yes your 12:30 is here Ms.Martin"

"Thank you Sally, you can tell her to come up and please go and take your break now you deserve it" I smile through the phone.

"Thank you" she hangs up.

I later see my door open to reveille an older Caucasian women with dyed black hair. She breaks down crying as soon as the door shuts. I walk over to her and pull her into a tight embrace. This is going to be a long day.


Later that day

"Are you filling better Miss Miller?" I ask giving her a Genuine smile

"Yes I am, you've really helped me. I think I can finally look forward. I guess what you were saying about God making no mistakes was right" she wipes her tear stained cheek

"I'll see you next week" I give her another hug and she's off. I lightly close my door behind her and Breath out a deep breath. That was just.. Woow. I look at the clock and notice it's 6. Time for me to leave. I grab my purse and log off my computer. It's been a long day. I grab my phone out of my purse and call my parents home phone.

"Hey baby" my mom answers. I miss my mom so much, my last appointment has me cherishing my love ones.

"hi mommy" I smile though the phone "how have you been?"
"Good baby" she replies
We continue to talk for a while, i tell her about the events that took place yesterday and how Chris is back. My moms always liked Chris.

"Everybody makes mistakes love, you just have to let go and let God" she replies
"Look baby I'm gonna call you tomorrow, your daddy has to go preach at the st.claires church, and you know how they are we'll be there all night if we don't get going" I laugh just thinking about it, the old days where I would have to go to church almost every night was something.

"Yes mam I know, I'll talk to you later then love you mommy" we share our goodbyes and I hang up. By now I'm in my jeep cruising down the street. I decide to go straight home, I was going to August but I decided against it. Pulling up to my house I get out the car. I unlock my doors and out my purse on the table and kick off my heels, I decide to cook baked spaghetti for dinner because its one of my favorites and I haven't had it in a while.

After putting it in the oven I go upstairs and change into some sweats and a tank top, I go back downstairs and watch Criminal minds to let time pass by. I love this show. when the commercial breaks comes on I text Michelle about the comments that TeamBreezy and AlsinaNation were saying, she just laughs it off and calls them a bunch of 14 years old girls. I promise you I love my best friend. I get up and check my dinner, its done. I take it out and let it cool down while I cut the oven off. Walking back over I get back to the episode of criminal minds, my eyes soon become drowsy and I find myself going to sleep.

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