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May 4, 2015

I roll over in bed to my right side as I stretch. I had a good night sleep. Kicking off the covers I get up and walk to the bathroom.

"You up?" I hear Michelle ask me.

"Yeah I am, good morning" I smile. Grabbing the bath cloth and washing my face twice and then brushing my teeth.

looking over at my phone, it's ringing. Who could be calling me at 9'oclock in the morning. Answering it I try my best to sound awake

"heey sistaa sista" I say, my voice resembling the theme song of (sister sister) starting Tia and Tamera

"you so crazy" she joked while laughing.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get together today, these kids are driving me insane" Smiling I reply

"uhh me and Michelle are going out today, you're welcome to come tho. We could probably get together tomorrow, after church?" I question

"yeah sure, just text me the details" she says

I hear Jamal' her husband in the background saying something about their love life

"Love you, I gotta go tho Jamal's being well Jamal, text me sissy" she says

"love you too, have a good day" I laugh

Me and my sister have a close relationship. Considering she was 3 years older than me when we were growing up we still told each other everything.

We're a very tight nipped family. She's given me a beautiful niece and a handsome nephew. Brianna & Brian

"Who was that?" I turn around to see Michelle leaning on the door with her arms folded, her hair was everywhere.

Thick curls were departed every winch way on her head.

"Stop being nosey" I laugh.

"Ooh did you and August have phone sex? I still can't believe you met him, like that's still crazy" she asks smiling

I stare at her in disbelief "what kind of girl do you think I am?" I laugh once again

"my bestfriend" she walks over to me and jumps on the bed.

"Watchuu wanna do today?" I ask

"Im hungry and I don't feel like cooking, you wanna go out for breakfast?"she suggests

"Yeeees, I'm happy you suggested it cause my lazy tale shole wasn't about to go slave over that stove" I laugh once again.

"I'm going to my car to get some clothes I'll be back" I say before getting up in some swift move

Walking out the room I grab my phone. My mind can't help but to drift back to August, I wonder what he put his contact name as. My curiosity takes over and I unlock my phone.

Scrolling through my apps until I open my contacts. My finger continues to scroll. His name isn't in A's. I'm confused. I keep scrolling to I see it.

His name is in D's "Daddy Aug👅💦" I feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks, thank gosh for my skin tone or else I would be pink at the moment.

He's so nasty. I can't help but to smile. I shake it off and open my trunk getting out my bag. Closing it I walk back to the house.

August. August. August. It still feels too sureal. To think that I once had a fan page for him back in his product days, his voice was everything. Hovering my finger over his name, I decide that here goes nothing.

"Its too early in tha morning for dis, Ya heard me?" his accent comes out strong, his voice thick and mellow

"too early in the morning huh? I'm guessing your not a morning person?" I laugh

"Marian? I-.. damn ma I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. And nah not really, I ain't Neva been the type to wake up early in the am" he laughs

"it's 10:30" I say looking at my clock.

He chuckles once more "I know shawty, what made you call so early? You dream about a nigga or sum?"

I bite my lip nervously "nope" I say popping the P "I was going through my contacts and saw the name you put in my phone"

he laughed "I'm daddy you didn't know? I could have you screaming it, just say when" I pull away from the phone and take a deep breath.

"Mariaaaaan come help me pick out an outfit" thank gosh, remind me to thank Michelle later

"Hey August I gotta go, I have some stuff to take care of" I say

"I meant to ask ya, watchu doing lataa today? Can I take ya out?" He asks curiously

Putting my hand over my face "like a date?" I question with an uncontrollable smile

Yeah shawty like a date. I'll pick you up at 9. Just text me ya address" he implies

I continue to bite my lip

"I will, bye August"

"bye shawty" hanging up my phone, I have the biggest grin on my face when I walk into Michelle's room.

"What's got you grinning so hard" she asks, a puzzled look on her face.

"August" I cover my mouth

"omg you called him? What did he say? What did you say?" She questions jumping up and down

I think about what just happened and tell her the conversation I just had with August

"we gotta go get you a dress! Forget breakfast, we'll go to lunch" she squeals

I frown "I have plenty of dresses" and that was the truth me being a Psychologist I always have to dress up for work

"not any sexy ones" she smirks.

I decide not to object because I knew it was true, I've only been to two clubs. Growing up a preaches daughter I never got the party side of things.

"Fineee" I abide.

"Good now go get dressed" she smiles and walks into her closet

"this is going to be fun"

"you not my dad.. smm noodle head" Michelle busts out laughing, that's her favorite vine.


Soo what do y'all think? Do y'all have a favorite character so far? If so who and why😊 feedback appreciated

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