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July 12, 2015
Checking up

          I went to go see miss Wesly and her daughter yesterday, we hung out for a little bit and I took them out to eat. There apartment is nicely decorated two bedrooms and a bathroom. Their doing really good, Sadees told me all about her grades and school projects which made me think of my niece and nephew.

That's why me and August went to spend the day with them.

I sit down at the booth watching him interact with the kids. We're in a ice cream pillar, the kids wanted to come after we came from the park and I agreed.

August is so good with kids. I smile as he picks Brianna up and starts ticking her, Brian stands there with a mad look on his face. It's soon there turn to pick ice cream and I watch as Brian pats repediatly on the glass.

"I want cookies n' cream" I hear him tell August.

"Alright little man, watchu want Princess?" He asks placing her on the floor.

"I want the green icecream" she smiles.

"Y'all want a cone?" He asks them

"Yeeees!" They both scream excitedly.

"Uhh can I get two plain vanillas, one small cookies n' cream and a sherbet lime" he asks the lady dressed in a colorful uniform

"Sure, is that all on cones?" She asks "I'm a big fan by the way" she smiles

"Yes all on comes and thank you, I appreciate the love" he friendly smiles back.

The icecream is made and given to each body. August holds mine in his hand as they come back to the table.

"Thank you baby" I say grabbing the ice cream out of his hand making sure it doesn't drop.

I look at the twins and smile "what do we say?"

"Thank you uncle August" they say in usion. I have to make sure they have matters

"Y'all welcome" he smiles back kissing their cheeks. We sit down in the booth and eat our ice cream

The spice girls song "wannabe" comes on and I jump and down in the seat.

"This is my soooong" I say tapping August in his arm

"I tell ya what I want what I really really want" I semi yell.. Singing along to the words

"I wanna uh I wanna uh I wanna zig a zig ahh" I continue singing moving around in my seat.

August, and the twins giggle at my silliness. I make a microphone with my hand and place it I front of Aug's mouth

"Sing uncle Aug" I smile

He sighs "if you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends" he sings

"Nooo sort of life in that" I comment "I know you can hit them notes, you're famous for a reason" Iaugh

After ice cream, in the car

"Y'all have a good time today?" I ask the twins as they sit in the back of the car with their booster seats

"Yees I did, we need to hang out with you and uncle Aug more" Brian comments excitement in his voice

"We enjoyed you too, and of course baby Aunties gonna make sure of that" I look up in the mirror and give him a big kool aid smile.

"Yay!" He cheers, I wonder why Brianna is so quiet

I look in the back to see she's fast asleep.
Once we get into their neighborhood I park my car in front of my sisters house.

"Hey Aug can you get Brianna, I gotta get their bags baby" I ask

"Yeah I gotchuu" he Replies

We get out the car and I open Brian's door, he hops out and runs to the front door of his house.

"Heey mommy!" He shouts as the door as swings open.
"Hey baby!" She smiles bringing him into a hug.

I walk up to the door with both of their bags and August behind me "Heey sis, I hopes its not too late I know they have school tomorrow"

"You're fine boo" she smiles, she grabs Brianna from August arms

"Hey aug" she greets

"Hey" he waves

I lean in and give her a hug, as August daps up Brian.

"Lunch tomorrow?" I ask, "I can go on my

"Yeah fine by me, I'll call you tomorrow" she says.

"Alright love you" I smile back

"Love you more" and with that she closes the door.

I walk back to my car with August on my heels.

"I had fun today" I smile

"Me too baby" he leans over and kisses my cheek

"How many kids do you want?" He questions

"4" was my reply "two of ours and two we adopt" I smile

"You're such a good person" he compliments " I want three, two boys one girl"

"We can make that happen sometime in the future" I laugh

"Why not start now?" He smirks "we can make this the baby making jeep, that backseat is big enough"

I laugh and shake my head "nice try" I say starting up the car and backing out the driveway

"Just wait" he smirks, letting his seat back

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