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Date: August 28
Location: Valarie's Cafe
Michelle and I sat in Valarie's cafe planning my sisters wedding. She wanted to renew her vouls, and because of that she wanted a whole new wedding

Jamal had actually came up with the idea and Bre loved it, she's always wanted to do something like this.

So here me and Michelle sit picking out things in magazines that we think should be in there

"Ooh how about these chairs" she suggests, pointing to some all white draped chairs.

"Their cute" I smile "maybe"

"Two Oreo Milshakes" the worker calls before placing them on the Counter. Michelle gets up and goes to get them. I stare out the window looking at the cars past and people walk by.

August was currently on tour with Chris & Trey, since the BET awards in 2014 everyone's wanted to see them on tour together, 3 of the most finest men on this planet.

They decided to make it happen for the fans, what's better than pleasing the people that put you on.

August seems to like it, be constantly tells me he misses me tho.

As for Chris he's doing good, we've still kept our relationship strictly friends and I'm happy for that. I missed my male best friend

I keep Royal from time to time, I don't know what j want her to call me exactly. I feel like Auntie's too soon considering me and Chris

He's gotten back with Rihanna winch is something I didn't approve of, I never liked Rihanna her attitude was just something I never clicked with.

You know the saying "a ugly personality ruins a cute face" well she was the definition of that for me.

The nation finally excepted me (well most of them) and I was happy for that, what can I say? I'm a people pleaser.

Looking down I hear my phone ring, grabbing it I answer. It's my baby Aug

"Hey baby" I smile, looking into the phone, we were on FaceTime

"Hey sexy" he smirked

"How's Seattle? You liking it?" I ask

"Yeah baby it's staright, just missing you"

"I know I miss you to, I have something to tell you actually"

It's been on my mind for a couple of days but I'm not sure.

I take a deep breath ready to tell my confession

"August, baby, I might be pregnant"

His mouth drops and so does Michelle's, the most un opertuniest time to come back to her seat

"You might be what!" They both say at the same time, Michelle nearly drops the cups

I smile weakly at both of them. That went well.

"I doubt it tho, we used protection both times, but I missed my period so I can't be sure" I whispered so only they could hear me

"I'm gonna be a daddy!" Aug screams through the phone. I can imagine him doing a little dance right now

I smile looking at him, he's actually happy
"Do I need to come home" he cheeses nearly coming thru my phone screen

"No baby you don't" I laugh "I'm gonna take a pregnancy test when I get home"


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