𝐎𝐍𝐄: who is she

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"That would be wonderful Liz, thank you so much hun" I said on the phone, I placed my phone back down taking a deep breath

My car was such a pain, it kept breaking down and not starting up. Elizabeth thankfully offered to give me a lift to work so I wasn't stranded because i definitely was not going to walk

I packed my small bag with stuff that I needed for the day before Lizzie arrived up at my front door

"Scar!" She shouted through, i shouted back to her, telling her I was in the kitchen just getting the last remainders of my things together

"You need a new car" Lizzie laughed and patted my back, i turned around giving her a small playful glare which she just laughed off and sat down

"Have you eaten"

"Yeah, I had the best avocado on toast is was so nice, the avocado was perfect and the toast was crispy and..."

"Liz, we need go" I cut her off, she looked up at me and stopped rambling on shaking her head and chuckling.

"Right" She smiled and took her car keys out her pocket. I threw my bag over my shoulder and followed her out the front door, down to her car

"Who's out today then" I said buckling myself in and leaning back in the passenger chair

"I think Rudd's out, he had something important pop up so he had to attended that" Lizzie said focusing on the road and giving me occasional glances.

I nodded as we kept out conversation going throughout the car ride. Lizzie was something else, she was always so bubbly and bright. The cutest little woman ever

"Scar!" Lizzie shouted shoving my shoulder, i hummed and turned my head seeing we were at the wear house

"Jesus, you were in some sort of trance woman" Lizzie joked opening her door stepping out the car. I nervously chuckled to myself and slid out following Lizzie inside

"They finally arrive" Downey says making stupid jazz hands as if we were on a red carpet

"My car broke down, give us a break" I said rolling my eyes and pinching his ear making him yelp

"again? Scarlett you need to get a new car" Mackie said, i just rolled my eyes ignoring him and walked to my trailer.

"Hey, you alright" Elizabeth said jogging behind me and placing a hand on my back as I walked into my trailer

"Yeah, do you ever get that feeling that something bad's gonna happen" I sighed taking a seat on my trailer bed

"Well your car broke down Scar so technically that is something bad" Lizzie said, i just shook my head keeping my focus on my lap

"No, I feel like something's going to happen. It's like a weird feeling and something in my head telling me" I said rubbing my temples

"Maybe something bad will happen, you'll just need to wait and find out" Lizzie sighed. I let out my breath and nodded my head knowing she was right, I can't predict the future so I'll just have to wait

"Come on, let's go get changed" Lizzie said taking my hand and pulling me out my trailer. I chuckled and followed after her, Lizzie was always so excited to get her costume and hair on, that was another cute thing about her

"Scarlett stop daydreaming and come one" Lizzie groaned pulling my arm, i shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts and rushed along with her to the hair and make up trailer

"Evans! No surprise seeing you in here" I joked patting his shoulder and giving it a small rub

"You are a menus" Evans said pointing his finger at me. I just smiled back at him, going to my chair and starting on my wig

Skipping to an hour or so later, me and Lizzie had finished getting ready and were wandering back off to set

"After we finish this scene, you fancy walking down to that little corner store with me. I need a drink and I only have coffee and i don't want that" Lizzie explained pouting slightly as we all sat round waiting on instructions

"Yeah sure" I smiled. Soon we were all ready to finally start shooting our scene. It was just a small scene we were doing for civil war and we were all getting ready to start the fighting scene next week when we had everyone, for now we were just going through what we needed to obviously because we didn't have Rudd, we couldn't film everything

"Alright everyone take 5" I made my way over to Lizzie and we started walking outside, we had to be cautious of the paparazzi making sure they didn't get to much

As me and Lizzie were walking down the sidewalk, we saw two cars colliding, one tumbling over the bridge and landing in the water while the other kept driving on, drunk driver.

Me and Lizzie raced over the road carefully, down to the bank were we saw a girl, swimming out and sitting on the grass looking around

"Mama" She called out. She was panicking, hard. Me and Lizzie slowly approached her trying not to scare her

"Sweetheart" i said softly trying to bring her attention say from everyone crowding around and the police sirens.

"Papa" She cried standing up, i had a fear she was going to go back in so I took a step closer, placing my hand on her arm.

"Honey" I said gently, she stopped and turned her head to look at me. Fear covered her eyes and face as she tried to back away

"I'm just trying to help you, I'm not going to hurt you" I said holding my hand out to show her I wasn't going to do anything

"I want mama" She cried, turning her head back to the car that was floated on top of the water. Ambulance and police cars were now driving down onto the grass and putting tape around.

"Come here love" I said very gently taking her hand in mine and trying to take her away. She slowly followed but didn't take her eyes off of the car in the water

"I want mama, I want mama" She shouted trying to reach back for the car, i didn't want to make it seem like I was kidnapping her or something so I slowly followed her as she walked back down

"Sweetheart you cant go down there, just take a seat" I said taking her over to a wooden bench and sitting us both down on it. I had lost were Lizzie went but I did see her running backwards so I'm assuming she's gone back to tell someone

"What's your name love" I asked gently taking her hand in mine and rubbing my thumb over her knuckles


𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄— *scratches head awkwardly* Hi. Look who's back again, with yet another book :) don't worry I have everything under control. A chapter for this book with come out every Monday as my one shot chapters with come out Wednesday and Friday which gives it an even spread because I felt bad making yous wait an entire week before another update but here we are starting another book but I hope you enjoy :)

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