𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄: 3rd of December

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3rd of December.
That date. It has to be the second worst one this year. The reason for that, being it's my mums birthday. Today all I want to do it sit here in Scarlett's bed and cry. Cry until I can't anymore and then go to sleep. I hope that Scarlett hasn't planned anything for the day because I really don't feel up to doing anything.

"Hey darling, you've been in here for a while now, you, okay?" Scarlett asks coming into the bedroom, I immediately hide my face in the pillows and unfortunately the way I'm facing is the way the door is so Scarlett can see me.

"Do you want some breakfast, you haven't eaten this morning" Scarlett asks now moving to sit on the bed, i keep my eyes down on the mattress. Scarlett frowns placing her hand against my forehead but it was a fine temperature, so she knew I wasn't ill. She rubs her thumb against my cheek giving me a sweet smile

"What's going on doll, you seem really down" Scarlett asks, i shift a bit feeling bad, I don't want to make this whole day about me, but I really miss my mum and I wish she was still here. I look up on the wall seeing a calendar, I raise my arm pointing to it. Scarlett turns her head seeing the calendar and standing up walking over to it

"The calendar?" She questions, i nod my head a small bit. Scarlett turns her head back to it confused and trying to read but it's only empty. I want to tell her, but my voice is stuck in my stomach, and I can't get it back.

"Today's date?" Scarlett suggests, I instantly nod my head and Scarlett nods her head coming back to me sensing that somethings clearly wrong. Scarlett holds her hand out and carefully rubs up a down my back gently almost sending me back to sleep.

"Birthday" I mumble, that was all i wanted to say at the moment, Scarlett nodded her head and rubbed her hand up and down firmer. I laid stiff and still not wanting to get out of bed but i realised i was going to have to at some point

"Was it your mommy's birthday?" Scarlett asks, i look down instantly and nod my head. Scarlett coos leaning down and resting her head on my arm, i sniffle trying to hold back my tears. Scarlett rubs her finger over my fingers and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I let my tears slowly run down my face, Scarlett coos again moving to lift me out the bed and onto her lap.

"It's okay my lovely girl" Scarlett whispers pushing my head into her shoulder, i cry quietly into her shoulder, Scarlett rubs my back comfortingly, i let out all my emotions out into Scarlett's shoulder, moving to bite my hand instead of Scarlett's shoulder but Scarlett gently removed my hand from my mouth and held it tightly in her hers and rocking me whispering sweet words into my ears

"I m-miss her Scarly" I sob out, Scarlett places her hand on the back of my head and gently pulling it out of her chest and kissing my nose softly, she frowns and gives me a sad smile stroking her thumb over my cheek bones. I lean into her touch with a loud cry

"that's it baby, let it out, i've got you sweet girl" Scarlett mumbles kissing the side of my head again and standing up with me in her arms, i wrap my legs around her waist and push my face in her shoulder as she bounces me and walks around the room patting my bum gently whispering kind words in my ear

"I know you miss her baby, but you need to calm yourself down before blowing yourself into a panic attack" Scarlett says hoisting me up further around her body and blowing some air on my face, i cry again moving my face away from her and trying to look away

"Noo" I whine leaning back in Scarlett's arms causing her to stumble forward and reach out for me quickly pulling me back into her chest, she moves and sits us both down on the bed, she shifts me off her lap sitting me beside her and sliding off the bed to kneel down in front of me

adopted by scarlett johanssonWhere stories live. Discover now