𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍: ready for the beach

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Today was the day that I have been most excited about, me and Y/n were going to the beach together.

We have been waiting for this day since last week and have planned everything we are going to do this week on my week off. I was currently sat staring off into space in front of me unsure of what move to make next, wether to wake Y/n up or go make breakfast for both of us

I slowly slid out of Y/n's grip as she had her arms wrapped around my waist, i carefully placed her head back down on the pillow and quietly made my way out of my bedroom leaving the door open.

I dragged my feet downstairs slowly and looked through the cupboard trying to figure out what we can eat this morning. I looked to the right and saw the waffle maker Lizzie bought me a few months ago that I'm still yet to use.

I pull out some waffle mix and start getting to work, i okay a soft morning playlist on Spotify while mixing every ingredient together. I fish out some chocolate chips from the pantry and get some fruit from the fridge, cutting them up into small pieces.

I place a bowl of fruit in the middle of the table along with a jar of Nutella and some chocolate chips, i make us 3 waffles each and put some clingfilm over the leftover mixture saving it for another day maybe.

As I plate up our waffles, the kitchen door opens revealing a very tired looking Y/n. I smile at her and place the plates on the table. Y/n silently walks over and sits down in the seat in front of me

"Good sleep" I ask pulling my chair in towards the table, Y/n's eyes are barely open as she nods her head making my chuckle

"Are you excited for the beach" I asked cutting up a small piece of my waffle adding my fruit and chocolate.

"Mm" She hums and picks up her cutlery starting to cut into the waffle. We eat in comfortable silence as Y/n slowly eats her way through her breakfast.

"Right do you know where your clothes are" I ask taking her clean plate and placing both mine and hers into the dishwasher. She hums and turns on her heels and runs off to my bedroom to find them. I place everything away and follow up after her quickly.

I was quick to tackle her onto the bed before she could react to anything making her scream. I actually went against tickling her as that can wait for the beach

"Scarlett" She squealed and wiggled about underneath me. I didn't say anything and just wrapped my arms around her

"I just want a cuddle babe" I said kissing her cheeks a few times and running my hands through her hair

"Scarlett, i cant breathe" Y/n grunted from underneath me. I sighed and reluctantly got off of Y/n stepping back a bit until she got up and off the bed

"There we go" I smiled once Y/n had ran and crashed into me wrapping her arms around my stomach, pressing her face into my chest and sighing happily

"You alright" I ask feeling her grip tighten on me. She doesn't say anything and just nestles her head into me more

"Y/n, what's up" I ask rubbing her back once I feel hot tears falling down my chest, I was still in my pyjamas which was only a small vest and some shorts

"M-i-ss mum-my" She sobbed, trying to catch her breath between her words. I cooed and hooked my hands under Y/n's armpits and lifted her up onto my front. She automatically wrapped her legs around my waist and hid her face into my neck

"It's okay" I whispered stroking the back of Y/n's head as I sat down on the bed holding her tightly in my arms as she began to shake

"B-but i- miss h-er" She hiccuped, i rubbed her back with a firm hand and pressed my cheek against her head. She cried for another few minutes until I started patting her bum like you would do with babies which frankly enough seemed to calm her down

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