𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐗: sleepover with Lizzie

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I was currently breaking into Scarletts house, this time she obviously knew so there wasn't a repeat of what happened last time. Scarlett had managed Y/n to agree by staying at mine for the night, Scarlett of course didn't force her but, in the end, Y/n agreed. Scarlett has said to me that she's not back to 100% percent since our last encounter, which was three days ago.

"Elizabeth, how do you get in so quietly" Scarlett asked waving her hands about weirdly, i shrugged my shoulders helplessly and took a seat at the kitchen island. Scarlett sighed turning on the coffee machine and i can tell by the look on her face that she's just woken up

"Sleepy beauty still sleeping?" I ask tilting my head, Scarlett hummed turning around to me and resting her waist on the counter beside her, she nodded her head yawning and rubbing her eye. She brought out two mugs and started to make us both some coffee

"She didn't settle very well last night, she hasn't spoken since dinner either" She frowned, i also frowned feeling bad for the pair of them. Scarlett finished making my drink and handed it over to me, i gratefully took it taking a sip immediately thanking her. Scarlett took a seat down next to me placing her coffee mug securely in her hands and turning her body to me.

"I just want to say, if anything happens, don't hesitate to call me. I know sometimes she can get really upset and we've now discovered that she goes non-verbal and doesn't like speaking now but that doesn't mean she hates you. She was apologising all day the other day about how she said she didn't want me." Scarlett rambled, i smile softly watching her, she was defiantly falling in love with this child and needed to take care of her officially forever

"Adopt her" I say sipping my coffee, Scarlett's whole face widens as she quickly swallows her coffee clearly confused about my words but i was certain and i knew it has to happen, it's in both their eyes, they don't want to leave each other, ever and it's meant to be, or else Scarlett wouldn't have taken her into her care.

"Excuse me" Scarlett chocked and started to cough, i couldn't help but that laugh and help her by patting her back as she continued coughing up the last bits of her coffee, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"I'm not trying to scare you, it's just, i can feel it. You need her and Y/n needs you and there is no way that you two would now be able to live without each-other if something happened to one of you. You nor Y/n would be able to take the pain and the heartbreak, so make her yours Scarlett" I explain gently to Scarlett who's looking at me intensely and listening carefully to my words

"Would she like it, i mean i don't want her to think that i'm replacing her old mom, i would feel horrible" Scarlett sighs overthinking the whole situation. I sigh shaking my head with a smile, and placing my hand on her thigh giving it a reassuring rub

"I'm sure she would love it. I think you should do it, go for it before someone else applies for her because last time i checked, she's still in that foster care unit and i'm sorry Scar but she could be taken away any day" I say trying not to hurt Scarlett but remind her about our current situation.

"Okay, I'll try do something today" Scarlett says nodding her head, i do a victory dance making Scarlett laugh. Our laughter is interrupted by a small angel walking into the kitchen all cuddled into a blanket

"Scarly" She whispers to herself tiredly looking up at me and Scarlett before waddling over slowly to Scarlett, who holds her arms out and lifts her onto her lap gently and cuddles her in tightly, i smile at thein interaction

"Why's aunt Lizzie here so early" She questions sleepily making me and Scarlett chuckle, Scarlett rubs the hair out her eyes reminding her that she was having a sleepover with me tonight making Y/n hum and nod her head

adopted by scarlett johanssonWhere stories live. Discover now