𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: police

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Scarlett went off to answer the phone, i turned around to see and she was lucky only just behind me. I turned around again, not wanting to invade her privacy on the phone call

I was thinking to myself why I was so nervous, I was always on Scarlett, holding her hand, on her lap. I felt bad, maybe she didn't even want me to be here yet she's sitting with me now at the breakfast cafe

"Y/n?" Scarlett said snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up seeing her just sit down. She took a deep breath and held my hand across the table

"You know the police man that we saw yesterday" Scarlett asked, i slowly nodded my head fearing I was going to get taken away again

"Well, he and more police officers are coming to the house at 12 to see what we are going to sort out. It's nothing to worry about, you'll be okay but i just wanted to let you know" Scarlett informed, i nodded and head and looked down at my lap

The waiter finally came with our food, me and Scarlett were sharing a plate of French toast with some strawberry's on the side

"I promise you honey, everything is going to be just fine" Scarlett said nothing my silence and loss of appetite

"I know" I whispered and picked up some toast, Scarlett gave her warm smile which I returned

After an hour of talking and eating, me and Scarlett were leaving the cafe hand in hand. As we were walking down the sidewalk, Scarlett let go of my hand tying her hair back in a clip.

Once she was done, she stretched her hand out again but i pretended to not notice it, i truly felt that she didn't want to hold my hand or anything like that, I was literally ruining her life, she should be at work right now or out with her friends

Scarlett bent down, holding my hand in hers. I kept my head down as we walked back to her house

"Come on they'll be here any minute" Scarlett said softly, unlocking the door. I sat down by the wall and took Scarlett's shoes off placing them back in the cupboard.

Scarlett led me back into the living room sitting beside me on the sofa. I let out a deep breath as Scarlett pulled me from the side and into her. I relaxed and melted into her as she stroked my hair with one hand and the other rubbed and patted my back comfortingly

"I'll get it" Scarlett whispered kissing my head as the doorbell went off. As Scarlett left, I dashed off the seat and ran upstairs, I couldn't do this. I've been through this to many times and every time it's went to shit.

I ran back to Scarlett's room, sitting down on the floor at the end of the bed with my head in my hands crying softly

I really didn't want to leave Scarlett, I've gotten attached to her but she was so kind she's literally doing everything for me and I want to stay with her

"Y/n" Scarlett's soft kind voice came from the doorway. I kept my head down and my knees tight together

"Oh babe" Scarlett whispered walking in and kneeling down in front of me and kissing the top of my head

"It's alright, they aren't gonna do anything. There just here for a chat" Scarlett cooed rubbing my shoulder

"I-I don't wanna g-go" I cried quietly wiping my nose with my hand, I felt Scarlett sit beside me and pull me into another side hug

"They aren't gonna take you away Y/n, there just gonna speak with us" Scarlett said taking my hand in hers. I took a deep breath and stopped crying

"Come on, it'll be over before we know it" Scarlett said standing with, i stood up with her, walking behind her as we walked back downstairs to the living room

"Ah Y/n" The police man said, i slid behind Scarlett so I was covered by her body and held the back of her t-shirt

"It's alright we aren't doing anything" He said as me and Scarlett sat on the sofa opposite him

"We just wanted say that you can stay here while we sort everything we need to with your parents out, or you can come back with us and we can find you another family" The police man explained slowly

"I don't want another family" I panicked shaking my head and looking back at the man

"Are you sure, there are some who are looking for adoption" He pushed, i shook my head again, tears streaming down my face

"I don't wanna go, I wanna stay" I cried trying to wipe all the tears with the sleeve of this hoodie I was wearing

"You know they are..."

"She said she doesn't want to!" Scarlett butted in stopping him speaking, she looked angry and pulled me into her

"Alright, I'm sorry. Scarlett are you okay with Y/n staying with you while you y'know" The man said

"Of course i am" Scarlett replied straight away and tightened her grip around me. Scarlett and the police officers talked for a little while longer until they had to go

"See, over in no time" Scarlett said pulling me into her fully so her arms were wrapped around my whole body

"It's twelve, thirty right now. Is there anything you want to do" Scarlett suggested, I shook my head

"How did you have red hair yesterday" I chuckled remembering the wig she had taken off

"Ahh, well. I'm an actress to put it straight" Scarlett blurted out with a smile, my jaw dropped again

"Like in movie's, so your famous" I gasped covering my mouth with both my hands. Scarlett chuckled and nodded her head

"I guess yeah" She chuckled. I couldn't believe this, what movies was she in? No wonder she's so pretty

"What movies do you play in" I asked hesitantly, Scarlett pulled out her phone and held it in front of me

"Scroll through them" She said handing me her phone, i carefully took her phone from her and scrolled through loads of movie's

"Woah, that's a lot of movies" I said making Scarlett chuckle and nod her head. We sat in comfortable silence for a little bit before Scarlett decided to speak up

"I think we should go to the mall and get you some clothes so your not drowning in mine, I think mine are a bit big for you" Scarlett said making me laugh as I remembers the hoodie ok my yesterday was like a dress

"But I have no money Scarlett" I said quietly fiddling with my hands that were laying in my lap

"Don't worry, I'll pay" Scarlett said shaking her head, my head shot up to her as I squinted my eyes and shook my head quickly

"I can't, I can't let you pay for me" I said fastly, Scarlett just shook her head firmly, taking my hand and standing up with me

"I don't want to hear it, we're going shopping. I'll buy it, no more words spoken" Scarlett joked placing her fingers on my lips and she got the shoes back out the cupboard and handed them to me

I didn't say anything else and tied my shoes together standing back up and walking out the house with Scarlett


adopted by scarlett johanssonWhere stories live. Discover now