𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄: i want her

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As me and Y/n walked back downstairs to the living room, I saw she was walking in a daydream and was squeezing my hand now and then as we walked.

I felt so bad for this little girl, she was only twelve years old and had just lost her mommy and daddy to a stupid drunk driver being on the road.

I don't know what I would have done if me and Elizabeth weren't out getting a drink that we didn't actually get. Or what if we were heading back and didn't even notice what happened

"Just take a seat love" i smiled sitting down on the sofa, she sat down close beside me, with her hands on her lap looking down

"So, are they actually gone, like for real" She whispered keeping her head low as she spoke

"I'm sorry, yes they are" I said quietly biting my tongue, Y/n sat back a bit and shook her head

"They can't be, they can't be, it's not true. Please, tell me it's not true, please" She rushed out turning to me and looking me dead in the eye

"Y/n, you're lucky you made it out off that crash. They way the car fell, it was a miracle" I explained

"It was not a miracle, my parents are dead and you call that a miracle" She cried getting angrier

"Sorry" She apologised and sobbed quietly hiding her face in her hands that were on her lap. I shook my head, scooting closer to her and wrapping an arm around her back

"Don't say sorry, you've lost important people to you. You can scream all you want, shout, cry, sob and I'd be totally okay with it" I said calmly rubbing her back with my palm

"I just want them back" She whimpered, I blinked a few times tying to stop my tears from flowing. Y/n cried quietly into her hands as i sat trying to comfort her

"I want mummy" She sobbed harshly digging her fingers into her damp hair and breathing heavier

"I know baby" I whispered leaning forward and placing a soft kiss in the side of her forehead

"I want her" She cried starting to tug at the roots of her hair and cry harder. I took a deep breath trying to hold back my tears and placed my hands on top of Y/n's

"Honey stop pulling your hair, your gonna damage it" I said gently trying to unlock her fingers grip from her hair. She ignored me and started to pull her hair harder and bounce her knees up and down

"Y/n, calm down babe" I whispered rubbing her fingers and gently trying to tug her hands away from her head

"I want her, I want her, I want her, I want her" She chanted in sobs rocking back and forth, I wiped my tear from my cheek and got off the sofa, kneeling down in front of her and rubbing her knees

"Can you breathe like this Y/n" I asked taking purposeful deep breath in and out trying to calm her. When that didn't work, I had no choice but to forcefully pull her fingers away from her hair and hold them in mine as she started to trash around the place

"Your okay, it's okay" I whispered as she threw herself off the sofa and onto my lap, wiggling about trying to get out.

"It's okay" I whispered again kissing her head and holding her as close to my chest as I could as she screamed into the fabric of my shirt, damping it

"Shh, shh, that's it" I hummed as she started to finally take in some deep breath and stop her violent sobs, crying harder now and then

"I've got you" I whispered tucking her hair behind her ear and she buried her face into my chest hiding herself off and running her fingers up and down my thigh, clearly claiming herself down which I took a mental note off

"I-I'm sorry" Y/n whispered quietly, placing her hand flat on my thigh, i closed my eyes, leaning down resting my chin on the top of Y/n's head

"Don't ever be sorry for letting out your emotions" I murmured loud enough for her to here, I felt her nod her head and cuddle into me more.

I looked up at the time, seeing it was now half past four in the afternoon, still a while to go until nighttime

"Are you hungry love" I asked, Y/n didn't reply and just stayed cuddling into my chest, I held the back of her head and pulled myself back a bit, seeing she tired herself out and fell asleep.

I tried so hard not to coo out loud like she was a little baby. I stood up very gently, as if I was holding a baby and sat myself down on the sofa, I ever so carefully tried to shift Y/n down onto the sofa but she immediately woke back up once her head hit the sofa surface

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said stroking the side of her face, she gave me a light smile and sat up

"Honey you can go back to sleep, I'm not forcing you to wake up. I was just gonna go make us a fruit bowl" I said stroking her damp blonde hair

"It's fine, i don't wanna be on my own" She said nervously fiddling with the sleeves of her hoodie

"Are you tired" I asked tilting my head to the side a bit, she hesitantly nodded her head and looked back down at her lap. I smiled to myself and hooked my hands under Y/n's armpits, shifting her back over into my lap

"It's okay" I chuckled as Y/n gripped onto to the top of my arm and her eyes went wide, almost fearful. She calmed down a little bit and sat not really understanding what to do

"Sleep" I chuckled again, carefully pressing Y/n's head down onto my chest. I rocked my knees side to side, not wanting to stand up until she was fully asleep.

I felt her go limb in my hold and her breathing even out and her lips parted ever so slightly. I stood up with her, holding her tightly as she wasn't that heavy and carried her into the kitchen.

I shifted her so I was holding her up with one arm and opened the fridge door, I pulled out some strawberry's placing them down on the counter along with some raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, banana's, oranges all sorts of fruits, making big fruit bowls was my favourite and I hoping hoping that Y/n liked fruit as well

I rocked myself and Y/n as I cut up fruit into a bowl with the talent that I have doing all the one handed and holding a human in my other arm.

I'm not going to lie, it took a while but I got there in the end. I mixed all the fruit with my hand making sure they were mixed well before taking them back into the living room and placing them on the table

I sat down on the sofa, with Y/n still in my lap, and grabbed the tv remote from beside me. As I bent back over, I felt Y/n's eyelashes flutter, ticking the side of my neck

"Hey beautiful"


I'm getting braces in like an hour 💃🏻🤛🏻

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