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Hello! Welcome to my new book :) I would just like to say a couple of things. First of all, I do NOT ship Dreambur in any way, shape, or form. I just write these things for the funnies. If Dream or Wilbur is to state they are uncomfortable with anything, this WILL be taken down immediately. 

There are a couple of TW for this book. I will put them before the chapter it is mentioned, but I want to state a few. (Note that I might miss a few as I'm not too sure where this book is heading)

- Verbal and Physical Abuse from family

- Self-consciousness (not sure if this is one but I'll put it here)

- MAJOR social anxiety

- Blood, knives, attempted murder

- Self-harm (happens once)

- Homophobia

PLEASE please be careful when reading, I don't want you guys to feel uncomfortable or feel harmed :D

Thirdly, I would like to state that usually I have a well-thought-out plan for my books, but just like Oblivious, I have NO IDEA where this will go. I should post the first chapter in a couple days or so. I hope you're excited for this because I sure am. 

Lastly, this will be a SHORT book. EXTREMELY SHORT book. This will probably be the shortest book I've ever written. 

See you in Chapter 1!

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