Chapter 6

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Dream POV

I nervously waited, staring at my phone, hoping for the familiar ding and the notification to pop up. 

Newsflash, it didn't. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "C'mon Wilbur. What did I do?" I looked through our texts. The last couple of days, it has just been me. 

Yesterday 4:29 PM

Dream: hey wil, I was wondering if you wanted to call sometime

Yesterday 9:32 PM

Dream: wil?

Today 8:49 AM

Dream: did I do something?

I looked up at the clock. It was 5 in the afternoon. Maybe he's busy. I'm probably overthinking this. I sighed, putting down my phone. I walked down the hallway and knocked on Drista's door. "Drista?"

"Come in." She answered. I opened the door and walked in. Drista was reading a book on her bed. Without looking up she said, "What's up?"

"Nothing much. I was just bored. Wanted to bother you." She sighed, bookmarking her book and putting it down. "Don't you have your boyfriend to entertain you?"

I flushed a little bit, "What? He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends." She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Keep telling yourself that." 

"Oh my goodness. Can we play Minecraft together? Anything really. I'm just bored out of my fucking mind." I sat down next to her. She sighed, lying down. 

"First of all, that's one in the swear jar. Second of all, go entertain yourself. I want to finish this book." I groaned, giving her a shove, "Please? I have no one else to talk to." 

"Just call Sapnap or something!" Drista exclaimed. I thought about it. Sapnap should be awake. He also doesn't have school, just like me. 

I left Drista's room and picked back up my phone, slightly disappointed to find that Wilbur still hasn't texted me. I gave Sapnap's number a ring. 

"Hello?" I smiled at hearing his voice. 

"Hey! Do you have time right now?" I asked, lying on the carpet. I prayed, hoping he would have time. (Okay, I know I'm breaking the fourth wall, but I have to point out that I just wrote 'prayged'. I think I need to stop going on Twitch)

"Dream! Of course I have time, I'm actually so bored right now. I was literally playing basketball outside. Can you believe it? I hate basketball!" I laughed. It was always good to hear Sapnap going on a little rant. That's when you know he's alive. 

"I just thought you'd be out with Karl or something. Didn't think you'd be at home." I heard him scoff through the phone. 

"I would but he has work. Quackity's also out visiting his grandparents. Motherfuckers really left me out of it."  That urged another laugh from me.

"How's it going on your end? Any progress with your cute neighbour?" A slight shade of pink rose to my cheeks and I ignored it. "Believe it or not, I'm bored out of my mind. And Wilbur and I are friends." 

He mocked me on the other end. "Friends my ass. You sound like me when I had a crush on Karl and Big Q." I sighed, nothing was going to convince him. 

"Also I'm pretty sure he hates me. He's not answering my texts." 

"Hate you? Didn't you two like go out a few days ago?"


"How can he hate you then?"

"I don't know." 


I sighed as he hung up. I checked the time. 9:32 PM. 

Looking out the window, I could see Wilbur studying at his desk. I sent another message to him. To my dismay, he looked at his phone and looked away. He definitely saw it.


Wilbur POV

I groaned, angrily erasing my answer from the paper. I hate doing homework. I heard a notification sound on my phone and looked over. It was a text from Dream. 

Dream: ...

Dream: I know you see my messages

Dream: If you don't want to talk to me, just tell me. Don't ghost me.

Guilt pooled in my stomach. I didn't want to ignore Dream, trust me. I just knew that I couldn't talk to him. The more I talk to him, the more attached I'll become. And then it'll be harder to let go once my father finds out about this. I looked up from my desk. I could see Dream looking at me. We made eye contact. Fuck. I looked down, suddenly feeling very hot. I could feel the glare from him. 

I picked up my phone, staring at the text messages. I sighed, finally giving in. 

Wilbur: hi



Dream: ALL YOU SAY IS 'hi'???


I looked up. To my relief, Dream was smiling. Thank god he wasn't being serious right now. I looked back down, a smile on my face. 

Wilbur: sorry

Wilbur: I've been a little busy and I see your texts and then tell myself I'll answer them later and then I forget

Dream: LMFAO

Dream: IT'S OKAY


Dream: I thought I did something wrong

I laughed. It felt good to talk to him again. He always manages to be the brightest part of my day, like a ray of sunshine. 

Dream: Wait

Dream: I have an idea.

I looked up. He was putting on a sweater and left his room. Curious, I watched. I could see him leave his house and head towards mine. Panic took over. 

Wilbur: DREAM


I heard a whisper coming from the bottom of my window. I looked down and saw Dream standing there with a huge grin on his face. 

"What the fuck? Are we reenacting Rapunzel?" I whispered. He gave a quiet giggle. A blush rose to my face. I forgot how hot he was up close. 

"Give me a hand." He started climbing the wall, using little nooks to help him. Once he was reachable, I pulled him through the window. He fell into my arms and we laughed together. 

"That was the most stupid but the most genius idea ever," I said, trying to catch my breath. We stayed like this for a while. That's when I became aware of the position we were in. I blushed, he was literally on top of me. 

Thankfully, he pulled himself off. "I can't believe it worked. Your window is huge." I laughed quietly, "I can't believe it worked too." 

He turned to me, his green eyes sparkling in the darkness, "So. What do you want to do now that I'm here." 


1057 words. HOLY SHIT. I'M SO SORRY. IT'S BEEN LIKE 2 WEEKS SINCE I'VE UPDATED THIS. I'M REALLY FUCKING SORRY. I JUST GOT CAUGHT UP IN SHIT AND I HAVE ANOTHER BOOK AND STUFF. I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE. However, I'm sad to say that this will probably go on for a bit. I've become REALLY busy atm. BUT I promise you that this book is close to being finished. 

Also, please go to the last chapter and read what I said at the end and tell me what you think of the new book ideas. I would really appreciate some feedback. Also...

Comment? (Please. I desperately need something to read during the day that's not depressing SBI fanfics.)

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