Chapter 8

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Dream POV

I watched as fear flickered through his eyes. I quickly ran to him. "Hey, it'll be okay. I promise I'll never let him hurt you again." I said. 

"I know." He whispered quietly, "I'll be okay. Just make sure you get the evidence you need, yeah?" I nodded. Before hiding under the bed again, I gave him a little kiss and a squeeze on the shoulder, letting him know that I will always be there. I crawled under the bed and waited as Wilbur left the room. 

I waited anxiously, seconds feeling like hours. After a while, I heard some screaming. I held my breath, trying to make out the words. 

"UGLY... PEOPLE... DISGUSTING... BOYS..." was what I could make out from the shouting. I heard footsteps coming closer and closed my hands into fists, trying to calm my breathing. 

"L-Look, it was just a question." I heard Wilbur stammer. I could hear the fear in his voice and it took all my self-restraint not to run out there and punch his dad in the face. "A DISGUSTING QUESTION AT THAT." His voice dropped, "How dare you imply that gay people aren't disgusting and filthy." I did a breath intake before I could stop myself. I prayed, hoping he didn't hear it. Thankfully, he didn't. 

"Okay, okay. I get it, I'm sorry. Sir." Wilbur said. I heard a slap. The thought of someone hurting Wilbur like that made me angry, but I had to keep my cool. Calm. Cool. Collected. I'm fucking calm, I'm so fucking calm. I'm definitely so very fucking calm. Calm. Calm. Calm.

I repeated that over and over again. Another slap jerked me back to reality. "I-I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean anything by it." Wilbur sounded like he was on the verge of sobbing. This is enough right? This is enough fucking evidence, right? This hurts to hear. "I never want to hear you question me ever again. Do you understand? YOU UNDERSTAND? ANSWER ME, BOY. ANSWER ME!" 

Wilbur was sobbing now. Okay, that's it. I crawled out of the bed. "Hands up motherfucker. The Bitch-Exterminator Team is here." Wilbur was staring at me with wide glossy eyes, tears still running down his cheeks. The man stared at me for a few seconds. Then he turned to Wilbur. "I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT. YOU'RE ONE OF THOSE NASTY PEOPLE." I quickly body-shielded Wilbur before he could do anything more. 

I dropped my voice, "Rich coming from you. You're the nasty one here. How could you hurt your own son like that? Do you have no heart? Do you have no shame?" I pushed him away from us in disgust. I grabbed my recording phone from the spot, stopping the recording. He saw it and his eyes widened. "YOU GIVE THAT FUCKING PHONE TO ME." 

I grabbed Wilbur and jumped out the window. I hugged Wilbur to me and we landed on the ground. I angled my body so that the impact of the fall was on me and wouldn't hurt Wilbur. Thankfully, it wasn't that far down. "COME BACK HERE, BOY!" 

"Dream! Are you okay? What the fuck! You just jumped out of a window." I grinned, pulling him to my house. "Just an average Thursday night, nothing too crazy." Even in our situation, we both laughed. 

I took out my car keys from my pocket and quickly got in the car. Wilbur got into the passenger seat beside me. I started the engine and started driving to the nearest police station. "Check the mirrors every once in a while. Make sure that he's not following us." 

Wilbur, who was still breathless, nodded. "We're in the clear right now." 

Wilbur POV

As I caught my breath, the whole situation suddenly sank in. I was with Dream, now my boyfriend. We were driving to the police station to report him. I can't believe it. "So... wanna talk about it?" Dream asked quietly. The thing is. I don't know if I want to talk about it. I have so much to say but I can't find the words to say it. 

"I don't know."

"That's okay. Just start talking whenever you feel like it. I've been told that it's good to let out your emotions." I smiled at him, feeling safe and comfortable. 



"Breathe. If it gets too much, just tap me 3 times. How are you feeling right now?" We were currently standing right in front of the police station. Tears were running down my face, the situation just fully sinking into me. "Scared, nervous, and even more scared. What if they think we're lying?" I asked. Dream pulled me into an embrace. 

"They won't. And if they do, I'll keep you safe. I promise I'll never let him hurt you again." I nodded, taking shaky breaths. 

"I just- I feel so helpless right now. You're doing so much for me and I can't even talk without crying. I'm sorry you have to deal with me." Dream cupped my face in his hands. "Hey hey. Don't be sorry. It's okay to not be okay sometimes." It's okay to not be okay. Those words made me feel a little better. 

"Okay. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I said. Dream smiled at me, "Remember. Tap me 3 times." 

We walked in and went up to the front counter. They directed us to a place where we could file a report. 

"Hi, how can I help you today?" The lady at the front desk asked. Dream looked at me and I shook my head, telling him to speak instead of me. I didn't trust my voice right now. Dream started to explain my situation, squeezing my hands every now and then.

"What is your name?" The lady asked me. 

"Wilbur Soot." I whispered, voice cracking. I cleared my throat and said louder, "Wilbur Soot." 

"Date of birth?"

"January 12, 2003." I said. She nodded and started to type some things into her computer. 

"And your father, who is the person you're reporting, is Robert Soot, yes?" I nodded. She clicked a few more things and typed a few more things before turning to Dream. 

"And your relationship with the victim is..." I looked up at Dream fearfully. What if they're homophobic? It seems like a lot of people are homophobic these days. 

Dream noticed and pulled me closer to him. "I'm his boyfriend. Dream WasTaken." 

"Okay, give me one second." She typed in a few more things and then picked up the phone, calling someone. 

"Robert Soot is reported of physical abuse towards his son, Wilbur Soot. The witness is Dream WasTaken." She put her hand on the receiver, "Do you have any evidence?" Dream nodded, telling her that we had video proof. 

She removed her hand from the receiver and continued talking, "They have video proof. Police only, no ambulance or firetruck needed. Thank you." She put the phone down and gestured to a room labelled, Staff Permission to Enter. 

"The police will be bringing in the accused. Please head into that room and take a seat." Dream nodded, "Thank you." 

We went inside the room and he turned to me. "Everything will be okay. I promise."


1202 words! I know it's been like 2 weeks since I updated. I'm sorry, I've been a little busy. I hope you liked the chapter though. This book is coming to a close soon. 

Comment? :) 

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